Log when any of the following are created, updated, or deleted:
Category, Category Field, Category Group, Channel, Channel Field, Channel Entry, Channel Form Settings, Channel Layout, Comment, Global Variable, Site Settings, Snippet, Specialty Template, Statuses, Template, Template Group, Template Route, Member, Member Role.
By default, Logit keeps all logs forever. You can optionally rotate your logs every X days.
When a log rotation is performed the old logs will be saved in your system/user/cache/logit
directory by default. You can define a different local directory, or save them to a remote S3 bucket.
Logit comes with an AWS S3 backup option. Create an S3 bucket, assign the proper permissions, and enter the config into Logit’s settings for remote backups when a rotation happens.
Along with logging who did what and when, you can enable detailed logging, which will save a JSON object of the entity to clearly see what was saved.
Compatibility: EE6, EE7
This add-on comes with an optional 1 year renewal fee of $20.00. Read more about renewals.