All BoldMinded add-ons come with an optional 1 year renewal fee. What this means is that every initial add-on purchase is valid for 1 year. You have unlimited access to download all releases of that add-on until 1 year after the initial purchase date. After 1 year you will need to purchase a license renewal to continue downloading the add-on.
To put it another way: You will have access to download releases 1 year after the initial purchase. After 1 year we will not provide access to software versions newer than what you have already downloaded, but still within the initial 1 year release window. This would encourage using older, outdated, and potentially bugged versions of software.
Why do I need to renew?
Your initial purchase goes towards the initial add-on development and support from BoldMinded. Generally most support issues arise within 1-3 months of the initial purchase. During the course of a year an add-on may receive many bug fixes and features. Providing those bug fixes and features 3 years after the intial purchase for free is not a sustainable business model, especially if more support is needed. The renewal fee goes towards the continued development and support of the add-on.
Is software renewal common?
Yes, very much so. In fact we setup renewals when our add-ons were originally sold on Devot:ee and have continued the same policy here. We have carried over the original purchase dates from orders placed on Devot:ee to our site. So an order originally placed on Devot:ee may indeed expire and require a renewal on You can read more about Devot:ee's policy here.