Publisher and Fluid: The Final Stand

June 18, 2024

TLDR; Attempts at getting Publisher to support the Fluid field have ended. Publisher will not support Fluid.

A few months ago, I mentioned in the EE Slack that I had made significant progress on integrating the Fluid field with Publisher, enabling support for multiple languages and drafts of Fluid fields. That wasn't an exaggeration. It worked perfectly for basic text fields and any field that did not store its data in a custom format, such as text, textarea, date, color, and number fields. I felt like I had overcome a huge hurdle so I let everyone know in Slack that progress seemed to be going well. However, as I continued with adding support for Grid fields within Fluid, it became apparent that the challenges were insurmountable without compromising Publisher's existing code (or Fluid's for that matter). While it might have been possible to make it work, there was no clear end in sight, especially when considering the complexity of integrating Relationships inside Grid within Fluid.

Due to the complexity involved, and in order to ensure Publisher remains stable for users not utilizing Fluid, I've made the decision to abandon trying to add this functionality.

Moving forward, the official stance is this: If you need multilingual support with Fluid, use Transcribe. If you prefer to use Publisher, use Bloqs.

To make this pill a little easier to swallow, if you purchase Publisher and Bloqs at the same time from you will get $70 off of your cart, effectively buying Bloqs for just $30.