{ "versions": [ { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.9.1", "date": "1711440540", "dateFormatted": "March 26, 2024", "notes": "<ul><li>[Added] Version check to notify if a new release is available for download<\/li><li>[Fixed] Prevent errors when using master config<\/li><li>[Fixed] Garbage collection query when deleting old CSRF security hashes<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.9.0", "date": "1706331780", "dateFormatted": "January 26, 2024", "notes": "<ul><li>[Added] Actions widget to clear all cache from CP home screen<\/li><li>[Added] Diagnostics widget<\/li><li>[Added] speedy:clear cli command to clear all caches with EE’s cli tool<\/li><li>[Added] Diagnostics to capture the number of queries and total execution time of each cached piece of content (enabled by default) <\/li><li>[Added] Database backend for CSFR protection. CSRF token's can now save to the database when a user is logged in. Previously Speedy would only be able to reference cookies when static caching. Note that even when using static caching, in a logged in user scenario Speedy will still need access to the database to make simple queries.<\/li><li>[Added] Logging when Speedy is generating files for static caching<\/li><li>[Improved] Breadcrumbs<\/li><li>[Improved] When Coilpack is present and if in a different directory Speedy should now create the static cache files and index file in the correct directory.<\/li><li>[Fixed] Deleting database driver cached items would not delete the accompanying hit stats<\/li><li>[Fixed] Home page caching with static files.<\/li><li>[Fixed] “All Channel” clearing rules setting<\/li><li>[Added] Speedy Release notes directly in the CP as a new sidebar menu option<\/li><li>[Fixed] Some PHP 8.2 deprecation notices<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.8.1", "date": "1694412000", "dateFormatted": "September 11, 2023", "notes": "<ul><li>[Changed] Speedy now uses EE’s DIR_WRITE_MODE constant when creating directories<\/li><li>[Fixed] If the site cache directory is not present Speedy will attempt to create it. This is usually only an issue when a site is not named “default_site”<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.8.0", "date": "1694361600", "dateFormatted": "September 10, 2023", "notes": "<ul><li>[Changed] the order of when set_ttl and add_tags are called. Entries tag needs to parse first.<\/li><li>[Changed] how Redis counts its keys for faster load times when viewing the Speedy settings page.<\/li><li>[Added] Clear Caetgories option to cache breaking rules<\/li><li>[Added] site_id to the cache_clearing rules settings page<\/li><li>[Added] entry status to cache breaking options for each channel<\/li><li>[Added] Fix for Transcribe support. Thank you Pavlo Tkachov for the contribution.<\/li><li>[Fixed] Deleting a non-existent static cache file shouldn’t throw an error in PHP 8 anymore<\/li><li>[Fixed] The speedy_block_bots setting was not working as expected<\/li><li>[Fixed] Relative values in {set_ttl} tag pair<\/li><li>[Fixed] Several PHP 8.2 deprecation notices<\/li><li>[Fixed] Static and Filesystem cache drivers now correctly count the cached items on MSM sites<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.7.0", "date": "1668787200", "dateFormatted": "November 18, 2022", "notes": "<ul><li>[Added] Database cache driver!<\/li><li>[Added] Add {speedy:add_tag}{\/speedy:add_tag} and {speedy:set_ttl}{\/speedy:set_ttl} tag pairs.<\/li><li>[Added] CE Cache migration. When installing Speedy on a site that has CE Cache installed it will migrate CE Cache's settings to Speedy's equivalent, and update template CE Cache template tags as needed.<\/li><li>[Fixed] PHP 8.1 compatibility issues<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.6.0", "date": "1667894400", "dateFormatted": "November 8, 2022", "notes": "<ul><li>[Added] exp:speedy:clear tag with items and tags parameters<\/li><li>[Fixed] PHP8 compatibility issue<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.5.2", "date": "1660287600", "dateFormatted": "August 12, 2022", "notes": "<ul><li>[Changed] Add-on icon<\/li><li>[Changed] Renamed BoldMinded\\Cache namespace to BoldMinded\\Speedy - this should not affect any functionality, it's just for code cleanup and consistency.<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.5.1", "date": "1649084400", "dateFormatted": "April 4, 2022", "notes": "<ul><li>[Improved] instructions on how to configure Speedy when using EE Pro<\/li><li>[Changed] Trim any whitespace from key names to prevent issues locating cache keys<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.5.0", "date": "1610611200", "dateFormatted": "January 14, 2021", "notes": "<ul><li>[Added] Jump Menu support to clear all cache, or by driver or tag.<\/li><li>[Improved] Updated CP settings pages to use new EE6 layout elements better<\/li><li>[Improved] Added descriptions to each cache clearing option.<\/li><li>[FIxed] Redis driver error on Speedy settings page if Redis is not installed on the server<\/li><li>[Fixed] Viewing details of cached item in Redis now shows it's estimated size in KB<\/li><li>[Fixed] Clear Driver submit button text would change to "undefined"<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.4.4", "date": "1638266400", "dateFormatted": "November 30, 2021", "notes": "<ul><li>[Fixed] Another namespacing issue introduced in 1.4.1 that was previously missed.<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.4.3", "date": "1638187200", "dateFormatted": "November 29, 2021", "notes": "<ul><li>[Fixed] Namespacing issue introduced in 1.4.1<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.4.2", "date": "1638184500", "dateFormatted": "November 29, 2021", "notes": "<ul><li>[Fixed] When saving the license properly refresh the license status<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.4.1", "date": "1638183600", "dateFormatted": "November 29, 2021", "notes": "<ul><li>[Changed] speedy_break_async option now defaults to "no". Async cache breaking did not work in a lot of environments, so default it to no.<\/li><li>[Added] Support for EE Pro. Pages containing Frontedit template tags will not be cached<\/li><li>[Fixed] Cache clearing wouldn't work in some cases in newer versions of EE<\/li><li>[Fixed] Minor fixes for EE Pro support and license status notifications<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.3.2", "date": "1628553600", "dateFormatted": "August 9, 2021", "notes": "<ul><li>[Added] speedy_enable_refresh config value, defaults to yes. Make the “Clear All” button in the CP behavior similarly to the ACTION url to clear all cache and tags. speedy_enable_refresh if set to no will not attempt to refresh any of the cached items, thus no cURL requests behind the scenes to try to re-generate cached items, which can take time depending on the size of the site.<\/li><li>[Fixed] Removing driver settings could cause form save errors<\/li><li>[Fixed] When clearing cache, make sure the driver is configured. In some cases Redis might be present on the server, thus supported, but not enabled and configured, so clearing the cache would cause an error.<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.3.1", "date": "1612339200", "dateFormatted": "February 3, 2021", "notes": "<ul><li>[Fixed] PHP 7.4 issue<\/li><li>[Fixed] PHP Error when using Speedy in EE6<\/li><li>[Added] better instructions for when the static driver is not configured correctly.<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.3.0", "date": "1603094400", "dateFormatted": "October 19, 2020", "notes": "<ul><li>[Updated] EE6 compatibility<\/li><li>[Added] allow_empty_cache=“yes” parameter to fragment and static cache tags<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.1.1", "date": "1583481600", "dateFormatted": "March 6, 2020", "notes": "<ul><li>[Fixed] Improved regular expression that replaces the csrf_token field when using full page static caching<\/li><li>[Fixed] Minor improvements to license validation<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.1.0", "date": "1576310400", "dateFormatted": "December 14, 2019", "notes": "<ul><li>[Fixed] Clearing tagged items was not working correctly.<\/li><li>[Added] New Clear Tags page to selectively clear cached items by tag.<\/li><\/ul>" }, { "addon": "Speedy", "version": "1.0.1", "date": "1575377940", "dateFormatted": "December 3, 2019", "notes": "<ul><li>Initial public release!<\/li><\/ul>" } ] }