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Ticket: Global Variables?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Custom System Messages
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Bransin Anderson

Mar 18, 2012

Our footer is a low variable which contains the copyright year. {current_time format="%Y"}

This however does not want to parse along with other global variables. Is this normal behavior in Custom System Messages?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Those should definitely be working. Are you sure it is loading the template you defined as the error template? Are any other module tags parsing, such as an entries tag?


Bransin Anderson

The template that displays the error message is pretty straightforward.

{embed=”_partials/.html_begin” page_title=”{title}” meta_refresh=”{meta_refresh}”} <section id=”content”> <h1>{heading}</h1> {content} {link} </section> {low_html_end}

The .html_begin tag is only using structure nav tags. I closed them to be sure this wasn’t the issue.

{exp:structure:nav include=”2872” show_depth=”2” include_ul=”no”}{/exp:structure:nav} {exp:structure:breadcrumb wrap_each=”li” separator=”” add_last_class=”no” here_as_title=”yes”}{/exp:structure:nav}

low_html_end variable contains only the following global tag which doesn’t parse. It’s only on custom system pages this variable isn’t parsed.

© {current_time format=”%Y”}

low_html_end variable is a textarea field type. I tried toggling the parse earlier option with no luck.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you try version 2.4, and specifically turn on the new redirect to template option and see if that fixes it for you.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Closing, have not heard a response. Please start a new ticket referencing this one if you’re still having issues.

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