EE4 compatibility updates:

  • Publisher is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field (it's in the works).
  • Reel is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field.

Ticket: Wrong Publisher attached to Devot-ee

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.1.1
Severity Blocker
EE Version 2.7.2

Rob Post

Dec 05, 2013

I Just downloaded the new release 1.1.1 of Publisher from my Devot-ee licenses account.

After downloading I noticed that the file name is: publisher-111-lite!
Even though, I just installed this new release and guess what? It is the lite version
Can you please update this


BoldMinded (Deprecated)

Fixed now, sorry about that.

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