EE4 compatibility updates:

  • Publisher is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field (it's in the works).
  • Reel is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field.

Ticket: Snippet Sync not updating snippets ‘shared’ across msm sites

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 1.3.5
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.2


Dec 02, 2013

Snippets shared across msm sites are not updated when saved.
All other snippets are saved as normal.
Shared snippets within the cp area are missing the ‘shared_’ prefix.
no php errors.
no js errors.

I can’t grant ftp access as we limit connections to specific ip addresses, if you do need ftp access please let me know


BoldMinded (Deprecated)

Usually the first thing I suggest is to uninstall and reinstall this extension, it will clear the cache and force a re-sync of all snippets. Occasionally the timestamps may get mixed up and it won’t update snippets sometimes. I’m not sure why.


BoldMinded (Deprecated)

What is this “cdn” folder. Is this folder actually located on the same server as EE?




I did try that yesterday, just tried again now and no joy I’m afraid. We seem to have duplicate entries within the cp see screenshot

‘shared_wrapper_foot’ & ‘wrapper_foot’ - and filesystem changes are reflected in the ‘wrapper_foot’ not ‘shared_wrapper_foot’.

Also just tried

  1. disable snippet sync
  2. delete duplicate snippets (the ones without the shared prefix)
  3. enable snippet sync

once enabled the duplicate snippets re-appear, so they are being created by snippet sync, but without the prefix. just to say we did recently run some ee updates (Upgrades to EE 2.7.2 & MSM 2.1.6), perhaps this is the cause?

The cdn folder sits on the same server, its just a naming convention we have for our static file directory.


BoldMinded (Deprecated)

I just tested this and can confirm its working. Here is what I have in my config.php file (yes, tested on a 2.5.5 sandbox)

If I change a snippets contents it does update the DB value:

Make sure you are logged in as a super admin, if not, make sure you have $config[‘debug’] set to greater than 0.




I can confirm we are definitely logged in as super admin, I also tried amending $config[‘debug’] as suggested, still no luck I’m afraid.

I can also confirm that sync was working as expected prior to our upgrade (with EE.2.6.1)… it does seem that our upgrade to EE 2.7.2 is somehow responsible, any further suggestions?



BoldMinded (Deprecated)

Ok, I’ll try this on my 2.7 sandbox tonight.


Brian Litzinger

I tested this on a 2.7.2 sandbox and its syncing the snippets correctly. Are you viewing the site/cp on the main site or trying to sync from one of the other MSM sites?


Brian Litzinger

Eh, well I see its not adding the “shared” prefix on them, but it is adding them to the db properly.


Brian Litzinger

New build sent to your email account.



Great thanks

working as expected now


BoldMinded (Deprecated)


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