EE4 compatibility updates:

  • Publisher is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field (it's in the works).
  • Reel is EE4 and EE5 compatible, but it does not currently support the Fluid field.

Ticket: Wyvern shows empty field in publish layout

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version 1.6
Severity Critical
EE Version 2.7.2

Rob Post

Oct 22, 2013

After upgrading to Expression Engine 2.7.2. and Publisher 1.6 the entries showing an empty Wyvern field on the publish layouts.

I’ve read through the suggestions on the support site and cleared the caches, no result. Thereafter updated CKEditor to the last available package 4.2.2 (the full package version). Cleared cache again, but nada! Still an empty field.

Attached is the screenshot of my publish layout entry with the empty Wyvern field (“Hoofdartikel”) and the error messages in the console.


BoldMinded (Deprecated)

What is the error message on the plugin.js file? View the network response tab as well, it may have an error message in it.


Rob Post


This issue is back again. Stays empty no matter what browser used for the CP.

  • reinstalled CK Editor (latest version)
  • emptied the cache a million times

While opening an entry the Wyvern field is visible temporarily and then disappears.

Attached the screenshot and the errors in the console


BoldMinded (Deprecated)

That looks like a possible error with another add-on. Have you tried disabling other add-ons one by one to see if the issue fixes itself? I’ve seen this happen several times. If another fieldtype or accessory has javascript throwing an error everything else on the page breaks.


Brian Litzinger

Rob, is this still an issue? Have you tried another browser? I’ve seen this happen before and its almost always a cache issue, conflict with another browser, or the files weren’t installed correctly.

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