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Ticket: EE 2.6, Assets 2.1.2 DB error

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version 24

Timothy Kelty

May 03, 2013

Latest 0.98.7 from devotee.
With debugging on, I get this error.

A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1060

Duplicate column name ‘selection_id’

ALTER TABLE `exp_assets_selections` ADD `selection_id` int(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY AFTER `file_id`

Filename: xxxx/vendor/ee_third_party/publisher/libraries/Publisher/fieldtypes/Publisher_assets.php

Line Number: 112


BoldMinded (Brian)

What happens if you change that install method to this?

public function install()
        if (ee()->db->table_exists('assets_selections') AND ! ee()->db->field_exists('publisher_lang_id', 'assets_selections')) 
            // Create a unique ID column since Assets does not have one, it makes post_save easier for Publisher.
            // ee()->db->query("ALTER TABLE `". ee()->db->dbprefix ."assets_selections` ADD `selection_id` int(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY AFTER `file_id`");
            // Move it to the front.
            ee()->db->query("ALTER TABLE `". ee()->db->dbprefix ."assets_selections` MODIFY COLUMN `file_id` int(10) AFTER `selection_id`");
            ee()->db->query("ALTER TABLE `". ee()->db->dbprefix ."assets_selections` ADD `publisher_lang_id` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT  ". ee()->publisher_lib->default_lang_id ." AFTER `entry_id`");
            ee()->db->query("ALTER TABLE `". ee()->db->dbprefix ."assets_selections` ADD `publisher_status` varchar(24) NULL DEFAULT '". PUBLISHER_STATUS_OPEN ."' AFTER `publisher_lang_id`");

            $this->EE->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->EE->db->dbprefix}{$this->table}` DROP PRIMARY KEY");
            $this->EE->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->EE->db->dbprefix}{$this->table}` ADD PRIMARY KEY (selection_id)");

BoldMinded (Brian)

Wait, when did you get that error?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Better question, what were you doing when that error happened?


Timothy Kelty

Happened on any request in the CP or frontend template.


BoldMinded (Brian)

And does that table already have publisher_lang_id as a column?


Timothy Kelty

It doesn’t. Should I uninstall/reinstall/run publisher P&T addon update?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah, click that link at the bottom of the Publisher settings page.


Timothy Kelty

Yep, ran that, no change.


Timothy Kelty

Commenting that line out of the install method and running the PT update worked, though!


BoldMinded (Brian)

And the selection_id column is there? I just did a couple of installs and uninstalls and couldn’t get that error to happen. What version of MySQL?


Timothy Kelty

The selection ID col was, but no the others.

Maybe it died in mid-install or something originally?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Maybe. Just to confirm though, you see the same thing as this?


Timothy Kelty

Yep, after I commented out the line and ran the PT updater, my table looks just like that.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Very strange. I’ll try to look into this some more, but at least now its working.

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