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Ticket: possible Publisher conflict with Navee fieldtype

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Alex Roper

Mar 27, 2013

When using the NavEE fieldtype, I get a “The requested jQuery file could not be found” error when editing an entry. This only happens when Publisher is enabled.

With Publisher disabled, the NavEE fieldtype will load the navigation items in the Parent dropdown. The jQuery error breaks this functionality.

In the source, this link is giving me the error:

script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="admin.php?S=b5f00d5b079da6b8a817accc50bc7ff3f540cc3d&D=cp&C=javascript&M=load&package=publisher&file=navee"

With Publisher disabled, it looks like this:

script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="admin.php?S=b5f00d5b079da6b8a817accc50bc7ff3f540cc3d&D=cp&C=javascript&M=load&package=navee&file=navee"

BoldMinded (Brian)

In the libraries/Publisher/Publisher_lib.php file add this just before the return on line 263:

// Add this:
return $this->EE->$class_name;

Alex Roper

Works! Thanks!


BoldMinded (Brian)


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