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Ticket: Image Upload Problem

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version
Severity Trivial
EE Version

Keith Ecklund

Mar 18, 2013

I am not getting any response when attempting to work with images.  No response whatsoever on the front-end Safecracker form, the ability to upload an image in the control panel, but nothing else.

This may or may not be an upload problem, but may in fact may relate to a plugin that I was trying to use earlier - the word count plugin.  That plug-in seemed to break things, so I reloaded all files, including Wyvern and CKEditor without the plug-in.

When loading the CP publish page, I see an error:

/themes/third_party/ckeditor/plugins/wordcount/css/wordcount.css was not loaded because its MIME type, “text/html”, is not “text/css”.

That folder does not even exist in the ckeditor plugins folder, but did on my earlier attempt to make it work.

I tried clearing all caches, but that did not seem to make any difference.

Any ideas on this error?  Eliminating it might be the start of finding out why I can’t work with images/files in Wyvern.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Hi Keith. I’m sorry you’re having troubles, but there isn’t much I can do or recommend without seeing this in action. Can you provide CP and possibly FTP credentials? I also can’t debug 3rd party plugins for CKEditor… I can only take a look to make sure Wyvern is loading the plugin files correctly.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you see any errors in your JavaScript console when images were not uploading?


Keith Ecklund

I’ll set up some login credentials for you and shoot you an email.

I’m not asking for help with the wordcount plugin, other than help getting rid of it when, to me, it doesn’t appear to actually exist.

I’m getting different behavior in Safari than I am in Firefox. In Safari, the Wyvern field allows me to enter text, while the Firefox field does not even let me do that.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I think this was resolved via email.

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