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Ticket: Wyvern NavEE {site_url} not being parsed

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version
Severity Critical
EE Version 27

Rob Truex

Feb 06, 2013

I have used wyvern (and previously wymeditor) on a fair number of sites. I am currently working on a large site using Pages and NavEE. When I am creating a LINK I can use the pages and the link parses correctly. However, when selecting a NavEE node it ends up being encoded or unparsed and I end up with{site_url}the-page-name. Also, is there a way to specify/limit which NavEE navigations are displayed? As this site is huge, there will be a large number of subset/unique navigations that do not need displayed as the master site map NavEE will be used. Thanks in advance Brian

BTW I am providing access to view the front end below. The “What does my gate pass pay for” link in the first para is an example. I have IIS protection enabled, use the usr and pwd from the “ftp” fields below. Thanks.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks Rob. It might be a couple days until I can look at this. Sorry for the delay :/


Rob Truex

I understand, I will watch for a response. Thank you Brian


Rob Truex

I got the links to parse correctly wrapping the output in {exp:allow_eecode} plugin. I still, however, would like to limit which NavEE navigations display for links somehow.


Brian Litzinger

Rob, I’ll definitely look into the site_url thing, but this is the first time that navigation feature has been requested, so if it gets added it won’t be for some time because I have a lot on my plate. Sorry.


Rob Truex

This site doesn’t go live for months, so Ill cross my fingers 😛 Thanks Brian. I just installed Assets 2.0 and hoping it plays nicely with Wyvern.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Rob, I just did a test and site_url is parsing when used from a NavEE link. It won’t parse in the Wyvern field itself because that means the link is hard coded into the field, which should always be avoided. It is instead parsed in the template… correctly from what I can see.

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