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Ticket: Wyvern Video throwing error “<Object> has no method ‘addCss’” with Wygwam

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Reel
Severity Critical
EE Version 17

Alex Roper

Jan 25, 2013

I can’t get my Wygwam field to initialize with Wyvern Video. The javascript console is reporting this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'addCss' 
plugin.js on line 73

Stand alone field works fine.

Just to make sure I installed it right, here’s where I put the Wygwam plugin: /wygwam/lib/ckeditor/plugins/video

This is from the control panel HTML source where it’s initializing the field:

 Wygwam.configs["4"] = {
  "skin": "wygwam2",   "toolbarCanCollapse": false,   "dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity": 0,   "entities_processNumerical": true,   "forcePasteAsPlainText": true,   "toolbar": [["Source"],["PasteText","PasteFromWord"],["Print","SpellChecker","Scayt"],["Undo","Redo"],["Find","Replace"],["Image","HorizontalRule","SpecialChar","EmbedMedia"],["Maximize","ShowBlocks"],"/",["Bold","Italic","Underline","Strike"],["Subscript","Superscript"],["NumberedList","BulletedList"],["Outdent","Indent","Blockquote"],["JustifyLeft","JustifyCenter","JustifyRight","JustifyBlock"],["Link","Unlink","Anchor"],["Format"],["SelectAll","RemoveFormat"],"/",["Video"]],   "height": "300",   "resize_enabled": true,   "extraPlugins": "video,wygwam,embedmedia,readmore",   "language": "en",   "filebrowserBrowseFunc": function(params) { Wygwam.loadAssetsSheet(params, "all", "any"); },   "filebrowserImageBrowseFunc": function(params) { Wygwam.loadAssetsSheet(params, "all", "image"); },   "filebrowserFlashBrowseFunc": function(params) { Wygwam.loadAssetsSheet(params, "all", "flash"); },   "link_types": {"Site Page":[{"label":"About",    "url":"http://siteurl_removed/about"},{"label":"Add Your Business",    "url":"http://siteurl_removed/resources/marketplace/add-your-business"},{"label":"Calendar",    "url":"http://siteurl_removed/calendar"},{"label":"Contact Us",    "url":"http://siteurl_removed/contact-us"}]}

I’m running
EE 2.5.3
Wyvern Video 1.2.6
Wygwam 2.7
(the drop downs above aren’t saving the version info)


BoldMinded (Brian)

Thanks, Alex. I’ll try to take a look at it today.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Alex, I just uploaded a new version to Devot:ee which should fix the issue. You only need to update the plugins/video/plugin.js file though.

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