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Ticket: Wywern field flicker and disappear

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version
Severity Blocker
EE Version

Olivier Murith

Dec 12, 2012


I can’t get Wywern to work. (W 1.4.5 with CKE 4.0 on EE 2.5.3)

I followed twice the installation procedure, removing and reinstalling both the Wywern and the CKeditor folders.

When I publish (or edit) a new entry, all I have is the field title and nothing else, no text area, no toolbar.

If I look in the error console I get this:

TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not an object (evaluating ‘CKEDITOR.skins.add’)

Did I make a mistake somewhere in the process, or is there an issue?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Olivier Murith

Quick update: I haven’t fully tested, but it seems to work with CKE 3.6.5.

Do you have an idea why it don’t work with the latest version?

Thanks for your time and advice.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I had to customize the skin so it would match EE’s modal designs, thus the error and incompatibility with 4.0. This is on my radar and will get it fixed soon.


Olivier Murith


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