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Ticket: File Bloqs fields cannot use :webp

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 5.0.9
EE Version 7.3.0

Kevin Chatel

Jun 08, 2023

Hi ,
We just upgraded the CMS to 7.3.0, all our previous bloqs that were using native file fields, no longer work with :webp.
I’m not sure if it’s a bloq issue or a an EE update issue.

Here is an example of the old code that worked just fine on 7.2.17

<header class="relative lg:py-16 overflow-hidden" data-block-name="header_picture_in_picture">
	<div class="xl:container mx-auto">
		<div class="flex flex-col-reverse lg:grid grid-cols-2 px-5 xl:px-0 lg:gap-16 bg-paleGrey md:bg-transparent">
			<div class="flex flex-col justify-center col-span-1  py-16 lg:py-0 ">
				{if blue_intro_title}<span class="text-brBlue text-xs tracking-widest font-extrabold uppercase">{blue_intro_title}</span>{/if}
				<h1 class="font-normal text-[2.75rem] md:text-[3.125rem] leading-none mt-2 mb-4">{ttl}</h1>
<p>				{if subtitle}</p><div class="text-[1.1875rem] md:text-[1.375rem]">{subtitle}</div><p>{/if}<br /></p>
</div><div class="col-span-1 w-full aspect-4/3 self-center">
<p>				<img src="{img_bg:webp}" class="aspect-4/3 lg:rounded w-full h-full object-cover object-center" alt="{ttl}" /><br /></p>
</div></div></div><div class="hidden lg:block absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full -z-10">
<p>		<img src="{if override_background_image}{override_background_image:webp}{if:else}{img_bg:webp}{/if}" class="w-full h-full object-cover object-top grayscale opacity-30 blur-sm" alt="{ttl}" /><br /></p>

Now to get them to work again I removed the :webp and used :src. Not sure why :src works as it’s not in any of the documentation.

Let me know


BoldMinded (Brian)

Bloqs doesn’t really do anything specific with the variable modifiers, it just kind of passes them through. Did you try :webp on File fields no inside of Bloqs?


BoldMinded (Brian)

You should also create a test using a Grid field. If it doesn’t work there either, then it’s an EE issue, not Bloqs.


Kevin Chatel

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BoldMinded (Brian)

It’s going to be a few days until I can look into this. I’m not even sure what they’ve added to 7.3… haven’t been able to do testing with it lately.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Have you tried adding other multiple modifiers? Instead of :web have you tried :rotate or :crop? Just trying to find out if it’s specific to :webp, which would be odd, or multiple modifiers in general.


Kevin Chatel

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BoldMinded (Brian)

I think you can do the full tag pair and it’ll work, instead of doing the {file_field:src}

{file_field} {url}, or maybe it’s {file_field:url} {/file_field}

I forget the syntax off the top of my head.


Kevin Chatel

the Tag pairs works as intended

{img} {url} {/img}

but no modifiers work except for :resize which works, however you can’t add width or height, then it doesn’t

Hope that helps


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you simplify your original example please? Remove all the HTML and superfluous tags, and only share the relevant Bloqs field tags. Thanks.


Kevin Chatel

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BoldMinded (Brian)

I think this might have been a bug introduced in 7.3


BoldMinded (Brian)

I was able to get it to work with the following template tags:


            {file_bloq:file:resize width='20' height='20'}

            {file_bloq:file:resize:webp width='100' height='100'}


Kevin Chatel

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BoldMinded (Brian)

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BoldMinded (Brian)

This was the example entry I was working with:

{exp:channel:entries entry_id="26249"}


                 <img src="{url}" />


            {file_bloq:file:resize width='20' height='20'}
                 <img src="{url}" />


            {file_bloq:file:resize:webp width='100' height='100'}
                 <img src="{url}" />

Single Pair (does not work, should be prefixed):
                 <img src="{url}" />

Prefix Pair:
                 <img src="{url}" />

Prefix Single:
            <img src="{file_bloq:file:resize width='90' height='90'}" />

No Prefix Single:
             <img src="{file:resize width='100' height='100'}" />

Kevin Chatel

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BoldMinded (Brian)

Good to hear! I’ll release 5.0.10 soon.

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