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Ticket: File field in grid doesn’t work as intended

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Simple Grids & Tables 1.5.3
EE Version 7.1.6

Kevin Chatel

Nov 01, 2022

I currently have a block with a simple grid which has 3 fields
Image (img_thumb)
Title (ttl)
Body (bdy)

I have no issues displaying the contents of the Title and Body, The image just prints out the field {img_thumb} in the rendered template. If I add prefix=“st:” it fails to render the ExpressionEngine content. it just prints out the entire code.
This is how I’m using it

	<article id="w-node-019eb1c9-{bloqs:id}-{row_id}" class="service-card">
		<img src="{img_thumb}" loading="lazy" alt="{ttl}" class="service-card-img">
		<div class="service-card-contents">
			<div class="h3">{ttl}</div>
			<div class="spacer-m"></div>
			<div class="body-regular-medium">{bdy}</div>

I’ve attached 2 screenshots. the second one is the inspect in Chrome showing the {img_thumb} being rendered. Another weird bug is if I do

<img src="{url}" loading="lazy" alt="{ttl}" class="service-card-img">

I’m able to see the image in the template, however it stops rendering the rest of the code. So the Title and Body aren’t showing

I was able to get it to work. Which i don’t think it’s ideal by wrapping the entire code in within the image tag

	<article id="w-node-019eb1c9-{bloqs:id}-{row_id}" class="service-card">
		<img src="{url}" loading="lazy" alt="{ttl}" class="service-card-img">
		<div class="service-card-contents">
			<div class="h3">{ttl}</div>
			<div class="spacer-m"></div>
			<div class="body-regular-medium">{bdy}</div>

Sorry for the mouth full. trying to be thorough.


BoldMinded (Brian)

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BoldMinded (Brian)

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BoldMinded (Brian)

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