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Ticket: Is it possible to set up / use a DeepL Glossary?

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 3.7.4
EE Version 6.3.5

Gavin @ JCOGS

Sep 26, 2022

DeepL provides a mechanism to add your own translations for words and phrases that will over-ride the translation it generates (a “Glossary” -

This would be handy to prevent translation of key words (for example to prevent DeepL auto-translating “NGINX + Varnish” into “Nginx + Verniz”).

Is this something that Publisher does / can / might support?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I saw that option but have not dug into it yet. I can take a look, but it could be a few days or a couple of weeks.


Gavin @ JCOGS

Ace - will be good to see if it is possible.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll keep this ticket open so I don’t forget 😊


BoldMinded (Brian)

Are you able to create glossaries on the site? The site implies that you can, but I can’t find it. This will be a lot easier to implement if the glossary can be managed on their site, otherwise creating and managing the glossary in Publisher’s CP settings page will require quite a bit of work.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Nevermind, looks like I have to use the desktop app to manage a glossary.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Glossaries created via the DeepL API are distinct from glossaries created via the DeepL website and DeepL apps. This means API glossaries cannot be used on the website and vice versa.


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BoldMinded (Brian)

Initial development on this looks promising, could be a few weeks before I release it though.


Gavin @ JCOGS

Ace - sounds good 😊


BoldMinded (Brian)

Try this build

I haven’t documented it yet, but it now lets you choose a Phrase Group to be your glossary.

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