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Ticket: Putting a Child block in Draft mode doesn’t work when the parent is still Open

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 4.12.2
EE Version 6.2.5

John Derrick

Feb 23, 2022

I noticed this earlier tonight, but putting a Child block in Draft mode doesn’t work when the parent is still Open. It will render on the front-end, even in Draft mode. I had to move the draft bloq, that was previously a child, to the parent level, for it to disappear from the front-end.


BoldMinded (Brian)

John, can you please provide a video of what you’re describing?


John Derrick

I didn’t get a chance to make a video, but I wanted to follow up with two screenshots to see if that may clarify.

This screenshot below shows how I originally had the bloqs - and as you can see, the bottom Image [1 Col] Bloq should be in draft mode. But on the front-end, it was still displaying. I suspect because the parent block, which it is nested within, is still toggled to be Open/Live. In my templates, the nested children bloqs load via the {bloqs:children} tag like described in the docs. So I assume the Image block is loading within the Heading container. This works fine for all my bloq instances, except in this single case.

Below was my solution, to move the block from being nested as a child of my Content [Heading] block, and instead I put it at the parent/root level, this made it disappear from the front-end as expected.


BoldMinded (Brian)

John, have you tried replicating this in a new environment, or on a different site? When you reported this I was a bit surprised by it because no one else has reported a similar issue, and I just tried to replicate it and couldn’t. We also heavily use this functionality at my day job and it’s been working fine there as well.


John Derrick

I tested this in another section and you’re right, it does work without any issue. I apologize for not trying that myself earlier. I am starting to think maybe something was hung up with my Cache, but I’ll mark this as Resolved since I cannot replicate outside that one entry. Thanks for your help!

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