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Ticket: 500 error when going to setting in control panel

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Speedy 1.1.1
EE Version 5.3.2

Trevor Orr

Sep 08, 2020

I installed the speedy add-on, it seems to work on the front end but when I gt the settings in the control panel I am getting a 500 error.  The tables have been created the setting table has been populated with this data, none of the other tables have any data in them.

id site_id key val type
1 1 installed_date 1599257544 string
2 1 installed_version 1.1.1 string
3 1 installed_build 6d5657b7 string
4 1 license my-licenese-key-is-here string

Any ideas?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Are you sure memcache is available and supported? What does the Speedy home screen look like where it lists all the drivers? Can you share a screenshot?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Trevor, when you respond can you do so in the ticket so it is archived and searchable?

What are your Speedy config file settings set to? Can you take a screenshot or copy/paste the whole $config[‘speedy’] array that you might have?

 private 'prefix' => string 'speedy/memcache/default_site' (length=28)
 private 'servers' => null
 private 'client' => null
 private 'createItem' (BoldMinded\Cache\Service\Drivers\AbstractDriver) => 
     public 'this' => 
     public 'parameter' => 
       array (size=3)
         '$key' => string '<required>' (length=10)
         '$value' => string '<required>' (length=10)
         '$hit' => string '<required>' (length=10)
 protected 'siteName' => string 'default_site' (length=12)
 private 'createdAt' (BoldMinded\Cache\Service\Drivers\AbstractDriver) => null
 protected 'logger' => 
     private 'logs' => 
       array (size=0)

BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you also search your php configuration to see if Memcache is enabled on the server?


BoldMinded (Brian)

From Trevor:

This is the only thing I have set in my config.php

$config[‘speedy_driver’] = ‘file’;

If I run: service memcached status it returns: memcached is stopped


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you take a screenshot of the stack trace like you originally reported. The line numbers in the image you attached do not match up to the new build I sent you.


Trevor Orr

The memcache module is enable in php but the memcache service is not running


BoldMinded (Brian)

The easy fix is to disable the module in php. I’ll try to replicate this scenario locally to find a better option so this error doesn’t happen if the module is enabled but the service isn’t running.


Trevor Orr

After a bunch of emails with my hosting provider it looks like it ended up being an issue with memcache on the server. Since we don’t use memcache we removed it and all seems to be working now.

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