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Ticket: Publisher - NavEE Support: no additional set of fields visible

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.0.0
EE Version 5.3.2

Burgi von Mengershausen

Aug 24, 2020

Publisher - NavEE Support 2.0.0 does not show additional set of fields added to the bottom of NavEE’s navigation node.

Steps to reproduce:
Installed a fresh copy of ExpressionEngine 5.3.2
Also installed:
NavEE 3.1.19
Publisher 3.1.5
Publisher - NavEE Support 2.0.0

Created 2 languages in Publisher.
Created a NavEE navigation with one node in it.

Navigation item does not show additional set of fields added to the bottom of NavEE’s navigation node as demonstrated in your docs image:


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you check your exp_extensions table to make sure there are 8 rows in there with “Publisher_navee_ext” in the class column. You should see rows for each of these:

['hook'=>'core_boot', 'method'=>'core_boot'],
            ['hook'=>'navee_extra_form_sections', 'method'=>'navee_extra_form_sections'],
            ['hook'=>'navee_update_navigation_item', 'method'=>'navee_update_navigation_item'],
            ['hook'=>'navee_modify_nav', 'method'=>'navee_modify_nav'],
            ['hook'=>'navee_get_cache', 'method'=>'navee_get_cache'],
            ['hook'=>'navee_set_cache', 'method'=>'navee_set_cache'],
            ['hook'=>'navee_strip_link', 'method'=>'navee_strip_link'],
            ['hook'=>'navee_modify_crumb', 'method'=>'navee_modify_crumb']

This is a little puzzling because I haven’t had to update the NavEE support extension for nearly 2 years, and I know other people are using it.


Burgi von Mengershausen

Yes all 8 rows with “Publisher_navee_ext” in the class column are present! i have experienced this bug on a live site first but i have reproduced this bug in a fresh install of ExpressionEngine 3.5.3 (screenshots are in this ticket) PHP is 7.3.10


Burgi von Mengershausen

i meant a fresh install of ExpressionEngine 5.3.2 in my previous comment


BoldMinded (Brian)

Sorry for the delay on this. It isn’t working b/c I don’t think the NavEE developer has added the updates I sent him… 2 years ago. There are missing hook calls in the NavEE codebase, until those are added the Publisher - NavEE Support extension will never work :(

You should reach out to their support. I gave them access to my Github repo that contains the changes they need to make. You won’t be able to see these files, but Michael Witwicki should.


Burgi von Mengershausen

Hi Brian, i did contact Michael Witwicki via their contact form immediately after your last comment. No one replied.


BoldMinded (Brian)

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