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Ticket: Retrieve info about specific video based on ID, using query sometimes fails.

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Reel 1.4.0
EE Version 3.5.14

Anthony Stauffer

Jul 12, 2019

## The Problem

Reel has no tag for retrieving information about a single YT video by specifying the video ID.

## The Workaround That Fails

I had been working around this limitation by setting the “query” parameter in Reel to the video ID. This works 99.9% of the time, but it fails on certain video IDs.

One example: “-CixtG_bF28”

Passing this video ID as a query returns no results, BUT…. this also happens on the YouTube site, so it appears that their search API chokes on certain video IDs, so it’s not really your bug.

## Desired Feature

I would like to get information about a specific video by supplying Reel with a specific video ID, such as:

{exp:reel:youtube_video video_id="-CixtG_bF28"}

BoldMinded (Brian)

Anthony, that isn’t how the YT API works. It only accepts a “q”, or “query” parameter, which can be a search term or an ID. So if it isn’t finding a video by a certain ID, then that isn’t something I can fix.

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