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Ticket: Structure breadcrumbs are not translating

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.11
EE Version 5.1.3

Peg Leg

May 31, 2019

I inherited a site at my new job, and the breadcrumbs from the structure module are not translated. Help!


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you provide more detail? What do you mean they are not translating? I can’t really help unless I know more about the situation. Please provide template tags used, perhaps screenshots or video of the issue happening?


Peg Leg

I’m new to expression engine. I hope I’m providing enough info. I’ll try to make a video and send it later.

{exp:structure:breadcrumb channel:title=”publisher” inc_home=”yes}


BoldMinded (Brian)

A similar issue was reported recently, and I did quite a bit of debugging and the hooks Publisher uses is working correctly to return default language and translated languages in the navigation and breadcrumbs tag. This may be something you have to talk to EE Harbor about. Have you reached out to Jace yet?


Peg Leg

Who is EE Harbor? I don’t know who that is. Thjis whole project is new and confusing.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I think their support address is


Peg Leg

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