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Ticket: Publisher adds ?publisher_iframe=“true” to youtube video iframes - this break autoplay

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.10.8
EE Version 5.2.2

Werner Gusset

May 02, 2019

Hi Brian

Have a new install auf EE and Publisher and doing a test for a video background div. The simple html test page works and the test template with exact same code does not, it does not autoplay.

Took me a while to find out that publisher writes into the iframe code when template renders. It adds ?publisher_iframe=“true” to the end if the iframe src tag like

And therefor the background video does not autoplay.The source is wrong.

Searched and found that Publisher must be to one that adds this tiny bit of code. Just don’t understand why?

Can you please look add this and change or give my a hack?





BoldMinded (Brian)

Comment has been marked private.


Werner Gusset

This fixed the problem.

Thank you



BoldMinded (Brian)


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