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Ticket: Error when saving entry with required field in Bloqs

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs any
EE Version 5.1.3

BoldMinded (Brian)

Feb 28, 2019

If an entry is being edited and contains a Bloqs field which is not empty, and 1 or more blocks are removed, and there is a required field in any block that is not valid, the page will reload b/c it failed validation, but it will also throw errors b/c the removed blocks are no longer present, but something thinks they’re still there.

Undefined index: id
/bloqs/libraries/EEBlocks/Controller/PublishController.php, line 272

Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: id
/bloqs/libraries/EEBlocks/Controller/PublishController.php, line 277

Severity: E_NOTICE
Undefined index: values
/bloqs/libraries/EEBlocks/Controller/PublishController.php, line 293

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