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Ticket: exp:publisher:languages empty when default language not “en”

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.9.0
EE Version 4.3.4

David Lang

Sep 12, 2018

I have 2 languages set up: English + German.


does behave as expected, when English is the default language. When is switch from English to German on the frontend, the output stays the same (is_default changes of course).

When i set German to default language, exp:publisher:languages does not put out anything when German is the active language but behaves as expected when I switch to English as active language.

When I add spanish, it gets even stranger, since the output changes to “all 3” when English is_active, only Spanish when German is_active and only Spanish when Spanish is_active.

What’s happening here?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Did you add phrase translations for all of your languages in the Phrases > Languages group?


David Lang

Comment has been marked private.


BoldMinded (Brian)

What is the ID of your Languages phrase group? It should be 2. If its not then that could explain some of the issues.

You said “(beneath the slider) still does not work as expected” - I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not familiar with your site so I don’t know what the expected working state should be. Please clarify… add videos, screenshots, code example etc and be descriptive as possible. Maybe before that, tell me what you’ve done to debug the not working part. Have you put that part of the template code into a new template of its own to simplify the issue? If that part of the template has other plugin code in it did you try it without the other plugin code? If it has parameters with dynamic variable values, did you try hard-coded values instead?


David Lang

> I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about > I don’t know what the expected working state should be

I expected

    {long_name} (is default? -> {is_default})

      <a href="http://{switch_language_url}" title="">switch language</a>


to put out the same thing, no matter what language is the active language. That’s the stuff in the div with the blue dashed border. But as you can see, it does not. I don’t know how more detailed I can desribe this?

Also: I can not add any translations in the backend for this: I don’t think this should be that way, should it?


David Lang

And: Yes, Languages has the ID #2.


David Lang

I have added the missing Phrases->Language translations to exp_publisher_phrase_data via phpMyAdmin, since i didn’t have the input fields in the control panel. Now {exp:publisher:languages} behaves as expected.

This is really strange. but: Case closed.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Yeah, this is kind of weird, but the only report I’ve seen like this so its hard to pin-point what the issue might have been. I’ll close this ticket for now and keep an eye out for similar reports.

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