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Ticket: undefined offset-errors

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.8.2
EE Version 4.3.1

Matthias Ballmann

Jun 12, 2018

hi brian,

we have a strange problem with so called “undefined offset-errors” in one channel of entries – and ee’s robin thinks these errors came from publisher.
this is her email:

“I’m pretty sure they’re coming from publisher. I poked around a bit and found exp_publisher_relationships - there are a lot in there if you run this query:
SELECT * FROM exp_publisher_relationships WHERE parent_id NOT IN(SELECT entry_id from exp_channel_titles)
The bad thing is, I don’t know publisher’s data very well. My inclination is to delete those records from exp_publisher_relationship, but I don’t know that code.
The cautious thing to do would be to contact publisher and show them the query, let them know there are 400 some odd results, and show them the frontend error. Make sure it’s ok to delete the publisher relationship entries.
Keep in mind, those errors are only showing to logged in superadmin. For everyone else the pages look fine and work properly. So it’s not actually an emergency doing the fix immediately if you want to check with publisher first.”

these are the errors many entries produced on the frontend while logged in:

NOTICE UNDEFINED OFFSET: 1604 ee/legacy/libraries/relationship_parser/Parser.php, line 38 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 208 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 209 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 211 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 212 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 216 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 216 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 254 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Custom_field_pair.php, line 81 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 54 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: EDIT_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 55 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: RECENT_COMMENT_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 56 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: EXPIRATION_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 57 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: COMMENT_EXPIRATION_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 58 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 82 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 82 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 87 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 88 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: EDIT_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 89 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ALLOW_COMMENTS ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 635 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: COMMENT_EXPIRATION_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 649 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: CHANNEL_TITLE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 518 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: CHANNEL_NAME ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 519 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SCREEN_NAME ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 520 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: USERNAME ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 520 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: PHOTO_WIDTH ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 522 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: PHOTO_HEIGHT ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 523 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: AVATAR_WIDTH ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 525 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: AVATAR_HEIGHT ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 526 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SIG_IMG_WIDTH ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 528 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SIG_IMG_HEIGHT ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 529 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 530 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 547 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 62 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: CHANNEL_URL ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 63 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: COMMENT_URL ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 64 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: CHANNEL_NAME ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 107 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Custom_field.php, line 53 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED OFFSET: 1604 ee/legacy/libraries/relationship_parser/Parser.php, line 38 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 208 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 209 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 211 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 212 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 216 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 216 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 254 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Custom_field_pair.php, line 81 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 54 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: EDIT_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 55 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: RECENT_COMMENT_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 56 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: EXPIRATION_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 57 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: COMMENT_EXPIRATION_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 58 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 82 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 82 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 87 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 88 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: EDIT_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Date.php, line 89 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ALLOW_COMMENTS ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 635 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: COMMENT_EXPIRATION_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 649 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: CHANNEL_TITLE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 518 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: CHANNEL_NAME ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 519 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SCREEN_NAME ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 520 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: USERNAME ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 520 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: PHOTO_WIDTH ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 522 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: PHOTO_HEIGHT ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 523 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: AVATAR_WIDTH ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 525 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: AVATAR_HEIGHT ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 526 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SIG_IMG_WIDTH ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 528 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SIG_IMG_HEIGHT ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 529 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_DATE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 530 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/Parser.php, line 547 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: ENTRY_SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 62 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: CHANNEL_URL ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 63 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: COMMENT_URL ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 64 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: URL_TITLE ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Simple_variable.php, line 292 Severity: E_NOTICE NOTICE UNDEFINED INDEX: SITE_ID ee/legacy/libraries/channel_entries_parser/components/Custom_field.php, line 53 Severity: E_NOTICE WARNING CANNOT MODIFY HEADER INFORMATION - HEADERS ALREADY SENT BY (OUTPUT STARTED AT EE/LEGACY/CORE/EXCEPTIONS.PHP:119) ee/EllisLab/ExpressionEngine/Boot/boot.common.php, line 491 Severity: E_WARNING

and here are some urls to entries that produce errors:

for your information:
– this is NOT a live site
– the ftp is TLS/SSL


BoldMinded (Brian)

How long has Publisher been installed on this site? E.g. what was the first version of Publisher installed? I think if you run the following query you may be fine, but backup your DB first.

DELETE FROM exp_publisher_relationships WHERE parent_id NOT IN(SELECT entry_id from exp_channel_titles)

Matthias Ballmann

I can’t say exactly anymore, but version 2.6.5 or 2.7.0 was probably the first version installed. ok, I will backup the db now.


Matthias Ballmann

Ah, it obviously worked! I have to check this in detail, but the first entries work again without errors.

Where did the mistakes come from?


BoldMinded (Brian)

Well, it could have just been an older version of Publisher that wasn’t clearing up those database rows correctly when an entry was deleted, or entries were deleted outside of the normal methods, which meant Publisher wasn’t aware of the deletions so those rows got stranded.

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