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Ticket: Other member groups than Super Admin don’t have acces to the language switcher into the CP

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.7.6 build afeafd49
EE Version 3.5.15


Mar 07, 2018

Maybe you will have to requalify the ticket into bug report, I don’t know.

Is there a specific setting to set on new member group creation to allow this group to edit entries in every language enabled?
Because I created a member group, allow it to edit own entries, edit entries by others, change entry author, allowed access to several channels, give access to add-ons and to Publisher in particular but when connecting as a member of this group I don’t see the switcher above the entry publish tab.

So I was wondering if this is a misconfiguration from my part or if it is a bug.

Thanks in advance.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Check the Approval Settings page.



Thank you. Sorry for this, I thought the whole page was about draft approvals. Sometimes when you’re extremely focused, you miss things that are right in front of you.

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