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Ticket: Random bloqs disappearing after saving template

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 3.3.3
EE Version 4.0.9

Michael Coogan

Feb 16, 2018

I have a bloq field in a template that will only display on frontend end each time I save the template. It’s happening randomly to a few other bloqs.

Here’s one example:

    {if activate == 1}
        {exp:low_variables:pair var="transbanker_cta"}
            <aside class="partner">
                <div class="container text-center">
                    <div class="img-holder">
                        <img src="{transbanker_cta:image:url}" height="44" width="304"{if '{transbanker_cta:image:alt_text}'} alt="{transbanker_cta:image:alt_text}"{/if}>
                    <a href="{transbanker_cta:button_link}" class="btn btn-primary">{transbanker_cta:button_text}</a>

Have you heard if this happening?



BoldMinded (Brian)

So everything is fine, then you save a template file (locally or in the control panel?), then the content won’t display? That does not sound like a Bloqs issue b/c it doesn’t interact with template saving. Sounds like something else is amiss. Try removing that low_variables tag pair.


Michael Coogan

Oddly it’s only happening with bloqs. I’ve emailed you screencast so you can get a better idea of issue.


BoldMinded (Brian)

That is definitely something I’ve never seen with any EE add-on or fieldtype. Does it happen with other block fields that do not have the low_variables tag in it? Do you have any other caching enabled? I just don’t see how Bloqs has anything to do with altering the rendering of content when a template is changed, unless the Bloqs code is incorrect or removed from that template, thus causing it not to render. Try creating a new clean EE environment with only Bloqs installed, don’t save templates to the file system, keep them in the CP and see if you can replicate the issue.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Can you explain from your email “I’m calling a bloq inside of a bloq” because Bloqs does not support nested Bloqs.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Would you mind responding in the ticket instead of email, otherwise I have information in 2 places, and email is not a place to organize tickets. If you need to attach images you can edit the ticket and do it there, or put Dropbox links in a comments field.

I have not personally put a Bloqs > Relationship > Bloqs scenario together, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I’m still not entirely sure this is a Bloqs issue b/c I just don’t see how editing a template file, other than removing or breaking the Bloqs code, changes the behavior of the Bloqs output. Have you tried the clean environment?


BoldMinded (Brian)

And just to clarify, you can edit the template file by adding anything, just random text, and it stops working? Or is it specific changes that you’re making?


Josh Brodleit

I was calling the same bloqs twice inside of two other bloqs. I put those same bloqs into a partial and now it’s working. Really odd. Thank you for help.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Glad you sorted it out. That does sound odd.

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