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Ticket: Retrieve count outside of specific block tag

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Bloqs 3.3.0
EE Version 3.5.11

Ron Hickson

Nov 15, 2017

It would be useful to get the block count and total outside of the molecule tag pair.

For example:




It seems that the count and totals are only available inside the


.  I’m trying to achieve an “every 2nd block show this” logic.  While it could be done inside each molecule that just feels like a lot of redundant code and parsing.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Its already a thing:


total_rows and total_blocks are actually the same thing.

:count is traditionally used while in a loop, so {my_bloq_field:count} won’t be of any use outside of a tag pair loop.

Did you see the documentation?


Ron Hickson

Thanks Brian. Can the count be retrieved inside the Bloq field loop? Unless I’m missing something


only works in the molecule tag.


BoldMinded (Brian)

No, sorry. Bloqs doesn’t parse anything that is inside of the main field tag pair, but outside of a block.

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