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Ticket: {translated_url} outputs url of previous page

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 2.6.3
EE Version 3.5.10

Mohammed Al-Faisal

Oct 19, 2017

Hi Brian,
It’s me again : )

I’m having the same issue as

     <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{short_name}" href="{translated_url}">

outputs the translated url of the previous visited page. I get around this in language switching by using {switch_language_url} instead, however, when trying to generate

in the page head I’m forced to use {translated_url}. I set cache to no in Publisher configuration but still get this issue.

This happens on two separate instances of my project one on my local machine and another a development server, each is maintained separately.


BoldMinded (Brian)

I’ll try to take a look at this sometime next week. Thanks for the report.


BoldMinded (Brian)

Mohammed, I’m not able to replicate this issue either. The language switching in the upper right corner of the demo site is using translated_url, and it appears to be working fine. If you can get the demo site to replicate the behavior your describing I can look into this further, but if I can’t replicate it I can’t debug anything.


Mohammed Al-Faisal

Could it be a cache issue? I have cache set to ‘no’ in Publisher’s settings but it didn’t help. I’m just going to replace it with some php for now and hopefully it gets solved in the future.



BoldMinded (Brian)

Do you have any other caching enabled on your site? Template cache, CE Cache, Mustache, etc?

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