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Ticket: seo audit redirect chains and loops

Status Resolved
Add-on / Version Publisher 1.7.4
EE Version v2.11.3

Cameron Ross

May 09, 2017




We got an seo audit on our website and it was flagged that we had 1000’s of redirect chains and loops
This is causing issues with our for organic ranking

I assume this is related to the fact that our pages get redirected to the landuga edomain


is there anything that can be done to avoid this issue?







BoldMinded (Brian)

Take a look at the settings. You can choose the redirect type, either 301 or 302.


Cameron Ross


i have it set to 301 already?

It is only on the last few days that we go flagged for the redirect chains and loops

Is 301 redirect type correct?


BoldMinded (Brian)

If you’re using 301 already then it sounds like you’re duplication issues are not directly related to Publisher. Sounds like you need to use alternate and canonical tags. These are examples you can use from a site I did.

{exp:publisher:languages url_title="something"}
        <meta property="og:locale{if is_default == 'n'}:alternate{/if}" content="{locale}" />

{exp:publisher:languages entry_id="123"}
                <link rel="alternate" hreflang="{short_name}" href="{translated_url}" />

<link rel="canonical" href="{publisher:canonical_url}/" />

BoldMinded (Brian)


Cameron Ross


I see where you are coming from but all chain and loop issue are related to the default /en/ site

That is what is confusing me

I have uploaded to screen grabs that might help


Cameron Ross

sorry about this

I figure out what the problem is

I have ce cache on the website

When i disable it the 302 redirect chain loops issues are resolved

Have you come across this issue before?


BoldMinded (Brian)

I have not. Sounds like something with CE Cache or some other config option.

My company’s site uses Publisher and it has undergone several SEO audits. I’ve made fixes to Publisher specifically for some issues found several months ago. If there were any redirect issues with Publisher I would know about it by now. I’m pretty sure the issue you’re having lies elsewhere with your site.

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