[Added] publisher:translate_phrase now supports ordered replacements, e.g. %s1, %s2, %s3 etc
[Added] An alert message will be displayed in the Publisher toolbar if editing an entry that contains a Fluid field.
[Changed] Languages are now sorted by default language, then alphabetically
[Fixed] When closing an entry not from the publish page Publisher would throw an error
[Removed] License page and validation (preparation for switching to ExpressionEngine.com licensing)
Version 3.11.2
April 3, 2024
[Added] cli_boot hook, and other fixes to assist with DataGrab imports
[Removed] Google Translate as an Auto-Translate option.
Version 3.11.1
March 18, 2024
[Added] [Added] cli_boot hook, and other fixes to assist with DataGrab imports
[Fixed] Prevent error when calling ChannelField->getType in PHP 8.1
[Fixed] Prevent DeepL api error
[Fixed] [Fixed] Save buttons had improper labels when an entry was in Needs Approval state
Version 3.11.0
January 7, 2024
[Added] Phrase groups can now be set to global, meaning it can be shared across all MSM sites.
[Fixed] If using GraphQL the graphiql page wouldn't load.
[Fixed] PHP 8.1 updates for cookies.
[Fixed] In very rare cases when using Bloqs and saving an entry, the content of a Bloqs field would be deleted.
[Fixed] Error in the Approvals widget
[Fixed] an issue with DataGrab imports and entries not saving correctly during importing.
Version 3.10.3
November 10, 2023
[Fixed] another PHP 8.2 deprecation notice
[Fixed] Undefined variable
[Fixed] Uninstalling Publisher would not correctly update File Grid fields.
[Fixed] cat_order column was not properly added when installing
Version 3.10.2
September 10, 2023
[Added] Fixes for Coilpack support
[Changed] Moved Publisher_hooks_base to HookBase trait
[Changed] If no open version of an entry exists don’t redirect to the draft if the draft doesn’t exist either, default to displaying the open status instead.
[Fixed] Fast double click on delete phrase group modal would cause an error
[Fixed] Phase and Category Auto Translations were not working
[Fixed] Assets Live Preview errors
[Fixed] When calling publisher_site_pages->get() directly for a language other than the current language the site_url value is correctly set
[Fixed] PHP 8.2 deprecation notices
[Changed] Usage of mb_convert_encoding to do the same thing Drupal & Symfony do to better support PHP 8.2
[Fixed] issue with saving Title field in frontedit mode
Version 3.10.1
May 22, 2023
[Fixed] Publisher language bar was not displaying when creating a new entry
Version 3.10.0
May 15, 2023
[Changed] Publisher now requires PHP 7.4 or greater, and EE 7.2.17 or greater if you're using EE 7. EE 6.x is still supported.
[Fixed] Refershing the translation of an entry that contains a Grid field using DeepL or Google would cause all of the Grid data to be erased, even for the default language :(
[Fixed] Category Site model issue introduced in EE 7.2.17
[Fixed] Category parsing issue likely introduced in EE 7.2.17
[Fixed] URL redirection issue
[Fixed] Deprecation warning
Version 3.9.3
March 30, 2023
[Fixed] Stringable interface error
[Fixed] php-scoper issue with HTMLPurifier files
[Fixed] HTML Diffs
Version 3.9.2
March 21, 2023
[Improved] Query performance when using Structure
[Fixed] PHP 8.1 issues
[FIxed] Undefined APP_VER error when upgrading EE
[Fixed] issue where multiple role assignments could cause Phrases and Categories to not be editable
[Fixed] Editing a related entry in the control panel slide outs should be fixed
[Fixed] Relationship fields in ignored channels would display wrong content
[Fixed] Add cat_order column to the publisher_category_posts table.
[Fixed] My Recent Edits widget now works better in MSM sites
Version 3.9.1
February 6, 2023
[Added] publisher_disable_cloning config item
[Added] the blocks_secret_form_key hook Works in combination with Bloqs when it’s avaialble to prevent duplicate or invalid saves that could result in a loss of data if the request was not fully completed.
[Fixed] Assets query was not using default values of file meta data if no translations existed
[Fixed] Live Preview hook was not properly using the value of a previous hook call
[Fixed] When Persistent Grid is enabled, remove the buttons from non-default languages (EE6/7)
[Fixed] Saving Grid fields in Revisions
Version 3.9.0
December 10, 2022
[Added] Minor changes to support Coilpack
[Updated] 3rd party dependencies, as well as Publisher itself, requires a minimum PHP version of 7.4
[Changed] All 3rd party Composer dependencies for Publisher are now namespaced to BoldMinded\Publisherl\Dependency to avoid conflicts with other add-ons.
Version 3.8.3
November 1, 2022
[Changed] Renamed “re-translate” button to “refresh”. When Auto Translations are enabled, the Refresh Translation button will now delete the existing translation and refresh it.
[Changed] Remove the “Clone to new entry” save option when editing non-default languages. Unfortunately due to how it was implemented in ExpressionEngine Publisher can't fully support it, so remove the option in non-default languages to prevent possible errors.
[Fixed] Separate auto translation cache from normal Publisher cache. Publisher actively refreshes it’s cache often, but we don’t want to clear the translation cache every time an entry is saved b/c it’ll hit the API again. Only clear it when a translation is requested or if it expires naturally.
[Fixed] entry_id column in Publisher tables was constrained to 2, changed to be unsigned.
Version 3.8.2
October 21, 2022
[Fixed] A regression caused by the previous release when performing a fresh install of Publisher
Version 3.8.1
October 20, 2022
[Improved] When deleting a draft or translation of an entry the CP should redirect to a more logical page (e.g. the default translation of an entry)
[Improved] Create a banner alert with the relevant error message instead of letting the page bomb incase a translation request fails for some reason.
[Fixed] Auto Translations: Handle Structure and Page URL fields similarly to URL Title. Also don’t translate them if the URL Translation setting is turned off.
[Fixed] exp:publisher:search field_name=“IS_EMPTY” was not working correctly.
[Fixed] Ignored entries will not display a translation status in the Entries listing page
[Fixed] Invalid JSON data in the Entry Approvals will no longer throw a PHP error
[Fixed[ Remove strtolower() on phrase name front-end tag and clear cache when saving a phrase name.
Version 3.8.0
October 4, 2022
[Added] cache_clearing_end hook call, which is new in EE 6.x call, to remove some code from cp_events class to where it should be.
[Added] Refresh button to the URL Title and Structure URL Title fields. If editing non-default language the user may want to update the url title based on the translated Title value without manually typing it out.
[Added] Add publisher_is_auto_translate_configured and publisher_should_auto_translate hooks for developers to extend.
[Added] If using DeepL as the auto translation service, you can now define a Phrase Group to be used as a Glossary for DeepL. Remove more about this in the documentation.
[Added] Check to see if DeepL api limit has been reached, and if show display an alert and prevent translations
[Added] The “a more recent draft is available” message now tells you who last edited it
[Added] Extra warning about saving over a draft if a newer one exists.
[Changed] Alphabetize the Publisher menu options.
[Fixed] If a phrase has no default language value, do not show the Auto Translation option since there is nothing to translate
[Fixed] Minor rendering bug in Firefox
[Fixed] DeepL: Verify that the source and target lang codes are valid
[Fixed] When deleting an entry Publisher will remove corresponding rows from the Grid database tables. Previously it would leave stranded rows behind that did not belong to anything.
[Fixed] When deleting a bloq with an Assets field in it, depending on the scenario, strange things would happen. We'll just leave it at that.
Version 3.7.3 (beta)
August 22, 2022
[Added] Performance Logging configuration option
[Added] a warning message if Publisher’s extension hooks are disabled
Version 3.7.2 (beta)
August 18, 2022
[Fixed] Compatibility with Structure now being a first party add-on in EE 7.1
Version 3.7.1 (beta)
August 7, 2022
[Added] Google Cloud Translation (v2) as an Auto Translation service. Now choose between Google or DeepL.
[Added] Phrase and Category Auto Translations.
Version 3.7.0 (beta)
August 4, 2022
[Added] Auto Translation feature using the DeepL API (does not include phrases and categories... yet)
[Improved] Update & Install routine to prevent duplicate key errors
[Fixed] Modal when deleting a phrase group. It wasn't showing the phrase name about to be deleted.
[Fixed] Category improvements for EE 7. Update so {file:XX:url} format is supported.
Version 3.6.1
July 24, 2022
[Fixed] Few minor fixes to support EE 7
Version 3.6.0
July 8, 2022
[Improved] Approval email notifications and options. Added approval_deny_subject template option, Make Deny email sending more similar to the approval send, Fixed the {link} parameter so it includes the lang and status, Added {language} as a variable name available in approval emails.
[Improved] Some notifications and minor issues with the installation routine
[Added publisher_approval_send_options() hook
[Added] the email object as the 2nd parameter to the existing publisher_approval_send() hook
[Added] Support for Assets' assets_file_meta_save() hook, which means you can now add translated meta data to a file in an Assets field
[Fixed] viewing Assets fields in Live Preview mode if Bloqs is also installed
[Fixed] Make Pending Approvals and Recent Edits widgets MSM friendly
[Fixed] Switching MSM sites after creating a new site adds the default language to the newly created site, preventing a page load error.
[Fixed] PHP 8 compatibility issue with usort
Version 3.5.3
April 26, 2022
[Fixed] after_template_delete, after_template_group_delete, after_category_delete, and template_fetch_template hooks were not properly added for new Publisher installs, only upgrades from 2.x
Version 3.5.2
April 8, 2022
[Fixed] Incorrect status messaging during the migration process when installing Publisher for the first time.
Version 3.5.1
January 31, 2021
[Added] entry_id parameter support to the exp:structure:breadcrumbs tag - if the tag contains an entry_id parameter, Publisher will be much more performant when searchign for custom titles
[Improved] Custom category field rendering when saving translations - Select/Dropdown custom fields now render as such when mananging their translations. If other fieldtypes are added as options to category custom fields, this means it should "just work" in Publisher too.
[Fixed] Only show the Remove Translation button if the user has permissions to delete entries in the current channel
[Fixed] Category URL Title field now gets slugified on save
[Fixed] Edge case where Grid field parameters array was not properly indexed
[Fixed] Overlay div on persistent Grid and Relationshi fields now display properly in EE6, and with the light and dark themes.
Version 3.5.0
October 7, 2021
[Added] Pending Approvals widget (EE Pro only)
[Added] My Recent Edits widget (EE Pro only)
[Added] Support for front-end editing feature in EE Pro
[Fixed] The Assets hook calls to properly ignore Assets fields if they were set to be ignored.
[Fixed] Relationship fields may not have correctly displayed translated content
[Fixed] Deny Approval modal button and text display
Version 3.4.1
July 26, 2021
[Fixed] Regression in Assets hook queries introduced in 3.4.0
Version 3.4.0
July 21, 2021
[Added] Better visual indicator of which translations exist for an entry in the Languages dropdown menu in the toolbar
[Added] Language code next to each View button in the Revisions tab so you know which language the revision was saved in
[Fixed] Search query for EE6
[Fixed] Live Preview support in EE6 for non-default languages
[Fixed] Sync drafts feature now works when saving Bloqs fields
[Fixed] Bloqs fallback option when syncing is enabled and viewing a draft
[Fixed] Deleting a translation will remove all Relationship assignments in the entry, regardless of language
[Fixed] Custom category fields parse correctly
[Fixed] In very specific scenario properly create Draft status and assign it to the channel when saving an entry
[Fixed] If the native EE Status field is hidden, saving a Draft to Published now correctly sets the entry to “open”
Version 3.3.1
June 2, 2021
[Added] publisher_delete_translation hook
[Added] publisher_request_revision hook
[Added] publisher_delete_entry hook
[Added] publisher_delete_approval hook
[Added] publisher_delete_draft hook
[Added] Query caching to the get_category_posts method
[Fixed] Prevent SQL errors in Assets hooks when pre_process hooks are called
[Fixed] Prevent PHP error when deleting an EE template
[Fixed] Entry Manager list in EE6 now displays the language translation statuses on additional pages
Version 3.3.0
March 24, 2021
[Added] Removing a draft or translation from an entry now has confirmation modals. No more oopsies.
[Added] template_fetch_template hook so global variables are handled with custom template parsing
[Changed] Simplify the Toolbar service
[Fixed] Category custom fields parsing error
[Fixed] Translation statuses on page > 1 in the Entry Manager in EE 5
[Fixed] When using Publisher Domain Control the site_url value was not properly used in {path=} variables
[Fixed] Language prefix was not being forced
[Fixed] Language translation buttons in the Entry Manager should work better
[Fixed] Language translation buttons in the Entry Manager should work better
[Fixed] When Persistent Categories is enabled, deleting category assigments now works correctly
Version 3.2.4
February 19, 2021
[Added] Persistent Categories option
[Added] Query caching to Publisher’s Category model to avoid duplicate queries
[Fixed] minor PHP 7.4 issue
[Fixed] Request->getLastSavedEntry() should always return an array
[Fixed] Relationships inside of Bloqs fields may not save correctly the first time an entry is saved
[Fixed] Translation statuses were not showing up in in the entry manager
[Fixed] Toggle fields were not correctly defaulting to 0 value, which threw an error when MySQL is in strict mode
[Fixed] issue with template previews if override url was defined
[Fixed] Minor issues preventing draft previews in the CP
[Fixed] When upgrading from Publisher 2.x to 3.1.4 or greater the data migration process should work correctly
[Fixed] Issue where diagnostics page reported hooks as not installed, when in fact they are.
Version 3.2.2
November 20, 2020
[Added] When viewing a revision, Publisher will redirect to that revisions langauge if it is different than the current user’s language. Prevents saving over content accidentaly. Also add alert indicating as such.
[Fixed] Publisher was not loading the core language files correctly
[Fixed] sorting of Phrase and Category translations statuses
Version 3.2.1
October 22, 2020
[Fixed] Issue when 2 exp:channel:category tags are in the same template
[Fixed] Issue when upgrading from EE6 beta 1 to beta 2
Version 3.2.0
October 19, 2020
[Updated] EE6 compatibility, which includes UI updates and Jump menu support.
[Changed] Reduce the Url Tracker cookie to 2 URLs
[Added] Log all deletions of entries, entry drafts, and translations to the CP log
[Added] Draft Fallback setting, which supersedes all other display fallback settings when in the control panel, and viewing the draft of an entry.
[Added] publisher:is_draft global variable
[Added] publisher:is_default_langauge global template variable
[Added] Publisher cookies now have the SameSite setting of ‘Strict’
[Added] Display Fallback for Grid settings
[Added] publisher_modify_category_variables and publisher_modify_phrase_variables hooks
[Fixed] Grid > Relationship saving (regression from attempted Fluid field support)
[Fixed] When using the exp:publisher:switcher tag Publisher should redirect to the correctly prefixed url
[Fixed] When using Structure’s channel:title parameter the correct field value should be used
[Fixed] When using the search:[field_name] parameter the table join will be generated properly
[Fixed] When deleting a translation or draft corresponding blocks and atoms are deleted from if Bloqs is installed
[Fixed] Don’t let unprivileged users delete a phrase group
[Fixed] Delete Draft button was not working correctly
[Fixed] Upgrade process could skip some custom field data
[Fixed] Ignored channels save entry data correctly again.
[FIxed] Issue with entries tags not finding custom field values correctly in MSM sites for non-default language.
Version 3.1.5
April 14, 2020
[Fixed] If it’s a Live Preview request and CP Diffs are enabled, don’t attempt to show a diff.
[Fixed] Don’t redirect to display draft status on the publish page if channel is ignored.
[Fixed] If editing an entry in an ignored channel, ensure the default language is active.
[Fixed] Custom fields in relationship tag pairs might not have properly displayed translated values.
[Fixed] Relationship tags in entries tags using the search: parameter should not throw a sql error
Version 3.1.4
March 13, 2020
[Fixed] Expiration Date and Comment Expiration Date would save as “1” instead of a timestamp
[Fixed] Add logic to better detect if installation or upgrades are completed without conflicting with the license validation routine
Version 3.1.3
March 6, 2020
[IMPORTANT] All BoldMinded add-ons now require PHP 7+. They might continue to work in PHP 5, but they are not supported in PHP 5. If you get an error, you will need to upgrade PHP.
[Added] New config option to use EE’s Live Preview URL channel setting as Publisher’s Draft Preview URL.
[Added] If a
[Added] Saving an entry in an ignored channel that is also a Pages or Structure managed channel should correctly save the page data
[Fixed] (for real this time) Custom fields inside of {exp:channel:categories} tag did not show translated values in non-default language
[Fixed] Small improvement for MySQL 8 support
[Fixed] Default expiration_date and comment_expiration data to 0 instead of null to satisfy newer versions of MySQL running in strict mode
[Fixed] Simple Search for doesn’t throw an error b/c of a malformed query
[Fixed] Issue with license validation in Publisher Lite
Version 3.1.2
January 17, 2020
[Fixed] Skip ignored channels when upgrading from 2.x to 3.x
[Fixed] Changing custom field column types, e.g. from int to decimal, now works correctly.
[Fixed] Checking for custom category fields would sometimes throw an error on the front-end.
Version 3.1.1
December 20, 2019
[Fixed] errors when updating custom field settings.
[Fixed] Custom fields inside of {exp:channel:categories} tag did not show translated values in non-default language
Version 3.1.0
December 14, 2019
[Changed] Limit the Approval member list to only members who are in a group with CP access.
[Added] Export individual phrases and categories instead of the whole shebang.
[Added] support for the cp_members_member_delete_end hook. Delete or re-assign entries correctly in the exp_publisher_titles table if a member is deleted.
[Added] {publisher:current_language_code} and {publisher:default_language_code} to email templates.
[Added] {is_live_preview} template variable to use to change template behavior if viewing a Live Preview.
[Fixed] If a new custom field was added after the entry was created, a row may not exist in publisher_data_field_X tables
[Fixed] bulk/sequential entry edit now works in non-default language.
[Fixed] Account for new phrase/category translations when importing.
Version 3.0.0
October 23, 2019
[Changed] IMPORTANT Publisher's database scheme has been changed to mirror ExpressionEngine's new storage model. The exp_publisher_data table is no more. All your content will be migrated to exp_publisher_data_field_X tables, so backup your database before upgrading!
[Added] Phrase and Category export and import. Export to translate in Excel, then re-import them.
[Added] Phrase searching. Find those phrases that you so tediously organized into groups.
[Added] Benchmark service provides benchmarking for every Publisher hook. Know exactly how long each process of Publisher takes to perform.
[Added] Site Name is now listed in the Approvals list. Helps with MSM sites.
[Removed] Support for ExpressionEngine 3. EE 4+ or bust.
Version 2.11.2
August 20, 2019
[Fixed] Template translations were not cleared from the database when a template or group was deleted. No known harm was caused by this, this fix just cleans things up and keeps it clean.
[Fixed] Saving Relationship fields inside of Grid.
[Fixed] Languages phrase group was not displaying in the menu on new installs.
Version 2.11.1
May 15, 2019
[Fixed] The blocks_update_search_values hook was not added if it was a new Publisher install
Version 2.11.0
May 8, 2019
[Changed] If an entry has a newer draft available it is indicated as such with an orange border on the status icon on the entry list page instead of the whole entry row being highlighed orange.
[Added] Add blocks_update_search_values hook to be used in conjunction with Bloqs
[Fixed] Breadcrumbs were not translating correctly
[Fixed] Ensure the edit_date column type matches EE’s native type
Version 2.10.7
February 4, 2019
[Refactored] Code to determine the publisher:canonical_url variable has been refactored and unit tests added.
[Added] $config[‘publisher_canonical_url_ignore_patterns’] can be added to your config.php file to set which URL patterns should not be considered when creating the publisher:canonical_url variable.
[Fixed] Pagination variable segments were incorrectly included in the publisher:canonical_url variable
[Fixed] When editing a category translation only show custom fields assigned to that category’s group
[Fixed] entry_date, expiration_date, and comment_expiration_date saving inconsistencies
[Fixed] File Grid field will no longer show file upload options when viewing non-default language and Persistent Grid is enabled.
[Changed] Check if category field is required when determining translation status. Contribution from HopStudios.
Version 2.10.6
January 10, 2019
[Fixed] Handle date fields better for non-default languages. Non-default language version of an entry couldn’t to have a different publish/entry date. Use case: If an English version of a blog entry was published, but it wasn’t translated to German until a later date, the German version would inherit the publish/entry_date of the English version, thus when viewing the German blog entries, the German version would not appear as “new”, and instead disappear into the blog archive b/c it contained the original entry_date of the English version.
[Fixed] Compatibility with Bloqs when previewing an entry with Live Preview
Version 2.10.5
December 3, 2018
[Added] to_lang_id and from_lang_id parameters to the exp:publisher:translate_url tag
[Added] Support for the new File Grid fieldtype coming in EE 5.1
[Fixed] Grid, Assets, and Bloqs fields database tables may not have been properly updated if you installed Publisher after versions 2.10.2
Version 2.10.4
November 29, 2018
[Updated] Minor update for Composer dependancies.
Version 2.10.3
November 23, 2018
[Added] Utilities > Diagnostics page to Publisher’s admin to validate all installed hooks.
[Updated] getMemberData now uses the Member model instead of querying the DB directly
[Improved] Reduced a few unecessary queries from running when performing a Live Preview request in the CP.
[Fixed] Phrase translations form was not showing the phrase description.
[Fixed] In some cases finding the default translation of an entry url_title would not work if a Page or Structure entry from a different channel also contained the same url_title.
[Fixed] Ensure template and parent id’s are integers instead of strings to prevent MySQL errors when saving an entry.
Version 2.10.2
October 22, 2018
[Added] When an entry, translation, or draft is deleted make sure the category assignments are cleaned up from the database
[Changed] When switching languages, and GET[‘lang_id’] is present, use it has a hard override to set the new language.
[Fixed] If an entry is not managed by Structure, but Structure is installed, don’t trigger the page saving routines that are time consuming.
[Fixed] Make sure the front-end is loading the correct language pack
[Fixed] Phrase translations form was not showing the phrase description
Version 2.10.1
October 8, 2018
[Added] When Persistent Entries is disabled, you can now delete the translation for the default language.
[Fixed] Trying to create a new phrase group would throw an error. Regression from 2.10 release.
Version 2.10.0
October 4, 2018
[Added] Phrases can now be copied.
[Added] Started add.ing inline documentation to the Phrases and Categories settings pages
[Added] Save, Save & New, Save & Close, and Save & Translate buttons in the Phrases and Categories management pages for quicker navigation.
[Improved] The breadcrumbs in Publisher's admin pages are now accurate and helpful.
[Fixed] Phrases and text direction were not being set when it was a Live Preview request from within the CP.
Version 2.9.2
September 28, 2018
[Refactored] Reverted changes made in 2.9.0 to consolidate stuff into the core_boot hook. Turns out it introduced conflicts with Structure.
[Fixed] Displaying translations of entries from another MSM site should work now
[Fixed] Sorting entry results by a custom date field
Version 2.9.1
September 24, 2018
[Added] Publisher now is available as 30 day free trial
[Added] Make the “A more recent draft is available” message a link to the draft so the UI is more obvious
[Fixed] Simple Search should now work correctly again.
[Fixed] category_heading tag was not parsing the category_url_title variable correctly
[Fixed] Relationships inside of Bloqs in an ignored channel should now save correctly
[Fixed] Category image field in categories loop parses correctly
Version 2.9.0
August 29, 2018
[Refactored] The logic in the sessions_start, sessions_end, and core_boot has been consolidated mostly into core_boot, and simplified. Due to the nature of this change (a lot of important stuff happens here) we've decided to do a minor version bump to 2.9.0. Generally minor version bumps are for new features.
[Fixed] Publisher Lite was showing navigation options for full version features. Hide them if Publisher Lite to avoid confusion.
[Fixed] Hide Translation Status column from Phrases and Categories list manage page if using Publisher Lite
[Fixed] Saving file fields in channel:form tags would throw an exception
[Fixed] ACT requests, e.g. channel:form saves, were not recognized correctly, thus not saving translations correctly.
[Fixed] afterChannelEntrySave event was only expecting a EntryTranslation instance
[Fixed] Category translation statuses were slightly incorrect. Also ensure that the native exp_categories table gets updated with the default translation value when saving a category in Publisher.
[Fixed] If the first 2 characters in a URI segment matched a language code, it could redirect incorrectly.
[Fixed] Button text when viewing an entry seeking approval correctly says “Approve Draft” when saving as Published instead of “Approve Draft & Preview”. Previewing is only available when saving as a Draft.
[Fixed] When changing the Structure URL of an existing entry the draft previews would not display correctly.
[Fixed] Saving entries in the bulk edit, and sequential bulk edit options now work correctly, however, you can only bulk edit the default language. Sequential editing uses the current control panel language and can’t be changed within the modal.
[Removed] old entry_submission_* hooks which aren’t used anymore
[Removed] Images and country flags used in Publisher 1 for EE2, which are no longer used in Publisher 2, have been removed from the codebase (finally)
Version 2.8.3
June 27, 2018
[Added] Add “Update Available” link to Publisher’s row in the Third Party Add-Ons page if a newer version is available.
[Added] channel_id parameter to the exp:publisher:category_entry_translations tag
[Refactored] some code dealing with changing statuses on entry approvals
[Fixed] private call to $cat_field_models
[Fixed] “Approve Draft & Preview” text now displays correctly on the Publish page buttons
[Fixed] Deleting an entry now cleans up the exp_publisher_relationships table correctly.
[Fixed] Ignore status_id column when saving drafts in EE3
[Fixed] If an entry has been saved with multiple translations but all drafts and nothing published, it was possible for the default exp_channel_titles/data tables to be saved with non-default language content
[Fixed] When saving an entry drafts for 1 or more languages when no open version existed in the default language the Grid rows would get corrupted with translations.
[Fixed] Category custom field query in EE3 stopped working after last 2.8.2 update
[Fixed] Publisher was not working correctly with the Live Preview feature.
[Fixed] Template names were not getting translated within {path=“”} variables correctly. Template group names were fine.
[Fixed] Relationships should save correctly in Ignored Channels
[Fixed] Grid->Assets issue when saving as a Draft without an Open version already in the DB
Version 2.8.2
May 25, 2018
[Added] support for the Consent module. Added cookies used by Publisher to the config, which is referenced when using the Consent module to approve/deny cookies.
Version 2.8.1
May 23, 2018
[Fixed] Double language codes in the url were not considered invalid
[Fixed] Links to native EE category edit and manage pages were broken in EE4 due to control panel url changes in EE4
[Fixed] Regression in exp:channel:categories tag from the 2.8.0 release
Version 2.8.0
May 22, 2018
[Added] exp:publisher:translate_phrase site_id parameter works again, and added an escape parameter.
[Added] Support for the Live Preview feature.
[Improved] Simplify how translations statuses work for phrases and categories. When viewing a phrase or category the translation statuses should be accurate. The default value of the phrase or category is no longer auto-populating the non-default languages in the control panel, however, on the front-end the default value will be used if no translation is found. This should help make it more clear when a phrase or category translation is completed.
[Fixed] Saving Relationships in Bloqs didn’t work for newly added blocks.
[Fixed] Only show non-default languages in the Template Translations page.
[Fixed] When viewing a draft if diffs are enabled, and there are no content diffs, then it’ll show the draft content by default.
Version 2.7.11
May 10, 2018
[Fixed] Newly added fields in EE4, which have not be edited or used in an entry will throw an error if deleted.
[Fixed] Saving categories when an entry contained multiple category groups should be less flaky (EE4 specific).
[Fixed] Don’t show the View options in the toolbar when editing an entry if there is only 1 options to display. Was causing confusion for content editors.
[Fixed] If url prefixing is enabled, but url does not have a prefix in it, redirect to the same url but with the prefix added.
[Fixed] exp:publisher:category_entry_translations tag now only returns a list of unique language ids instead of duplicates.
Version 2.7.10
April 26, 2018
[Fixed] The Send for Approval checkbox was not updating its value correctly, thus approval emails would not be triggered.
[Fixed] If Bloqs is installed the translated Bloqs data was not saved to the exp_publisher_data table so its searchable
[Fixed] Disable Publisher when EE is performing an upgrade
[Fixed] Set HTML Purifier’s cache directory to EE’s cache dir, not the vendor folder. Only relevant if you're using content diffs.
[Fixed] If a channel is ignored don’t process anything in after_channel_entry_save hook.
[Fixed] Explicitly check for null values when Publisher is installing and migrating data.
[Fixed] Persistent Grid rows were not returning correctly in non-default languages
[Fixed] Only show category groups in Publisher’s sidebar navigation that are assigned to the current site (MSM compatibility fix)
[Fixed] Only templates for the current site are listed in the Template Translations (MSM compatibility fix)
[Fixed] Phrase and category groups should work better with MSM sites
[Added] global publisher_remove_query_string config item to force remove query strings from translated url values
[Fixed] PHP notice with template translations
[Fixed] ‘New’ category button in Publisher’s sidebar nav works correctly in EE4.
[Fixed] Ensure the blocks_update_field_data hook is enabled. New installs since 2.6.2 did not get the hook. Oops.
[Fixed] Deprecation notices for url_title and assign_parameters methods
[Added] Language statuses in entry edit list page now link directly to the entry
[Fixed] PHP error ‘Can’t use method return value in write context’
Version 2.7.9
March 30, 2018
[Fixed] If using the Pages module and no default template is assigned to the channel Publisher will no longer throw an error.
[Fixed] Fixes a kind of obscure bug where if a url uses the template group as the first url segment, and the second segment matches a template name in a totally different template group, it would return a valid translation of the url when it should return false, thus forcing EE to load the wrong template-group/template, where it should have loaded template-group/index. This fix included a largish refactor of a portion of Publisher's code. If you are using the Template Translations feature you will need to re-save the Template Translations settings page after upgrading to fix some database records.
[Added] Unit tests for the previously mentioned refactor. Huzzah!
[Fixed] The 2.7.8 release accidently broke the preview feature when saving an entry.
[Improved] The Template Translations settings page now has a more friendly and easier to use layout. It used to be a hot mess.
[Improved] Removed an unecessary 9mb file from the vendor folder, thus making the zip and overall Publisher folder smaller.
Version 2.7.8
March 28, 2018
[Improved] A regex that matches {path=“”} variables for translation.
[Improved] Reduced the amount of queries performed in EE4 by better utilizing part of EE’s new models.
[Fixed] If a Structure/Pages url had a trailing slash and a query string, the translated version would not be found and result in a 404.
[Fixed] Template Routes were saving correctly, but not re-displayed in the form when editing them again.
[Fixed] {publisher:segment_N} variables were rendering translated values instead of default language values.
[Fixed] Publisher’s status was taking precedence over the channel_titles’ status when using exp:channel:entries.
[Added] Added support for Low Events. Requires Low Events 2.2.0
[Removed] Remove the session_start() call in the ext.publisher.php file. It was causing issues when saving fields in EE4, and is probably a hold over from EE2 that is no longer necessary.
Version 2.7.7
March 14, 2018
[Fixed] The method fetching Publisher’s diff settings was not optimized and would cause excessive queries in the CP
[Fixed] undefined index error in Publisher’s CategoryTranslation model
[Fixed] Fields with the float column type may have caused SQL errors when saving an entry.
[Fixed] The after_channel_field_save() event hook actually works as expected in EE4, due to architectural changes in EE4.
[Fixed] Don’t trigger a Structure page tree rebuild if the saved entry is not managed by Structure.
[Fixed] Remove the check for REQ==‘PAGE’ before attempting to set the language prefix. It was preventing forms from submitting that post to ?ACT urls when URL Translations are on or prefixes are enabled.
[Fixed] Ignored fields were not being handled correctly in the publish page.
Version 2.7.6
March 2, 2018
[Added] Support for Bloqs’ blocks_delete_blocks_by_entry hook.
[Added] X-Publisher-Redirect headers now appear in the requests when Publisher performs a redirect. Helpful for debugging.
[Added] The Publisher module home page has been updated to provide some helpful links and information.
[Updated] The URL Prefix setting description now includes a reminder to add the site_url=“yes” parameter to any exp:structure:nav tags
[Added] remove_query_string=[yes|no] is now an option on the exp:publisher:languages tag
[Fixed] relationships_modify_rows now only tries to parse {fielddir_#} fields if its a string
[Fixed] The order parameter on exp:publisher:languages tag was not working correctly.
[Fixed] A fatal error would be thrown when deleting a phrase group.
[Fixed] Renaming or deleting phrase groups would throw fatal errors or cause phrase groups to be duplicated.
[Fixed] Entry migration during install can fail if the Structure page url has an invalid character.
[Fixed] If the Pages template field is hidden it will not throw an error when saving.
[Fixed] The publisher_toolbar_status hook was not behaving correctly.
[Fixed] Saving an entry as a draft when no draft exists now correctly adds the Draft status
[Fixed] Channel Entries query would throw an error b/c it was searching for member fields that are no longer in EE4
[Fixed] Don’t throw errors if no custom fields have been added to a channel yet.
[Fixed] Using Structure’s advanced nav in EE4 should provide the correct translations.
[Fixed] Structure’s titletrail and breadcrumb tag translations in EE4
[Fixed] Diff settings in EE4 now save correctly.
[Fixed] Fixed an issue where Diff statuses didn’t work correctly in EE4
[Fixed] Saving Bloqs not in a field group in EE4 should now save correctly.
[Fixed] Entries tags filtering by categories with a limit parameter should now respect the limit parameter.
[Fixed] Translations statuses of phrases were not displaying in some cases
[Fixed] page_url:N vars are properly created even if Publisher’s cache is disabled
[Fixed] Pagination on Structure/Page urls when in non-default language should now work correctly
[Fixed] Relationships in a Bloqs field in an ignored channel should save correctly.
[Fixed] Infinite redirect issue in some cases when requesting a translated url with a language prefix
[Fixed] Publish previews in the control panel should be working again.
[Fixed] exp:publisher:translate_category should now return custom category field translations properly
[Fixed] Relationships in Grid fields in non-default languages were not showing previously saved relationship selections
[Fixed] Default language content was not being saved back to exp_channel_data when saving a translated entry
[Fixed] Search query was incorrect in EE4
[Fixed] If url translations were off, prefixes on, add prefix to homepage off, and hide prefix on default language was on *breath*, some urls were not properly prefixed with the language code.
[Fixed] search tags defining a results page should now re-direct to the properly translated results page.
[Fixed] Relationship fields in blocks in non-default langauge may not display correctly
Version 2.7.3
December 15, 2017
[Fixed] Fixed a potential issue with deleting entries due to lack of composite key support in EE's models.
[Fixed] Channels listed in the Approvals options would only show channels from the default site.
[Fixed] Phrase translation statuses display correctly in MSM sites.
[Fixed] Relationships in were displaying default language in non-default language. This was a regression from version 2.7.1.
[Fixed] Entries with custom statuses may not be found on the front-end. This was a regression from version 2.7.1.
[Fixed] Publisher’s update message was not displaying when it should.
Version 2.7.2
December 6, 2017
[Fixed] Saving Relationships in Bloqs was a little quirky. Made it less quirky and more reliable.
Version 2.7.1
December 5, 2017
[Changed] Curly brackets are now encoded in phrase values. EE tries to parse the contents of a phrase and it can cause the template parser to fail.
[Removed] The Disable Publisher config setting has been removed
[Fixed] Category urls using /C# are now working properly
[Fixed] Entries tags filtering by categories should now display proper results
[Fixed] Fixed a malformed query when using categories in a channel:entries tag.
[Fixed] {base_url} is now parsed correctly in {path=“”} variables
[Fixed] Pagination did not work when translated urls were enabled, and the base url of the pagination was also a static page (e.g. Pages or Structure)
[Fixed] Handle entry tags that filter on categories better when multiple channels are involved in category group assignments.
[Fixed] Relationships inside of Grid fields were not saved if the channel was ignored by Publisher
[Fixed] When installing Publisher if an entry did not have an entry edit date the installer would fail
[Fixed] Publisher was not sharing the cp_js_end hook very well with other add-ons
[Fixed] In rare cases the installation would fail due to not finding the default language id
Version 2.7.0
November 7, 2017
[Added] EE4 Support! Yes, the same version of Publisher works in EE3 and EE4. Booyah. Note this does not include support for the Fluid fieldtype yet.
[Fixed] Data would save incorrectly due to EE’s data model not being able to work with composite keys.
[Fixed] If drafts are disabled, but site still has a draft status option, Publisher would not respect the Status field option of draft and force the entry to be open.
Version 2.6.5
October 27, 2017
[Fixed] Data would save incorrectly due to EE’s data model not being able to work with composite keys.
[Fixed] A trailing slash was sometimes incorrectly applied to a translated url.
[Fixed] {publisher:has_newer_draft} variable now reports correct value.
[Fixed] Entry translation statuses may not display correctly in the edit list
[Fixed] Only display languages assigned to the current site when editing Phrases (MSM fix)
[Fixed] Detailed Translation and Draft statuses would not display in the entry list page in the CP if there was only 1 entry being displayed.
[Fixed] Force Default Language for front-end and CP settings were not working correctly
[Fixed] Prevent duplication of Bloqs
[Fixed] Change default database columns to NULL for Structure specific fields. Fixes issue with saving Struture data when the fields are hidden via Channel Layouts.
[Fixed] If Structure tab is hidden when a new entry is created, then the tab is visible when the entry is edited it could save the incorrect data in the Structure tab.
[Fixed] If Publisher could not fetch the latest version # from boldminded.com it would throw a JS error.
Version 2.6.4
September 15, 2017
[Fixed] Removed PHP errors when using the exp:channel:categories tag
[Fixed] Undefined isAuto variable error
[Fixed] If disable_drafts is set to yes, then it will force the default_save_status field to save as open, thus preventing an invalid combination of the two fields from being saved at the same time.
[Fixed] Saving entries in ignored channels would prevent saving of some entry data.
[Fixed] Saving an entry as Published would not correctly save the same content as Draft if Sync Drafts was set to Yes.
[Fixed] MySQL 5.7 compatibility issue that prevented the translation statuses from appearing in the entry list.
[Fixed] MSM issue that prevented the translation statuses from appearing in the entry list.
[Fixed] Saving single selection Relationship fields inside of Bloqs should save now.
[Fixed] Switching sites in an MSM install will now ensure the new site has a valid language set.
[Changed] When viewing an entry needing an approval the Save buttons will be updated to Approve to make it more clear what is happening (saving the entry published is all that is needed to approve a draft, the verbiage change on the button should make it less confusing on how to approve a draft)
Version 2.6.3
August 25, 2017
[Changed] If using Publisher Lite it now correctly display as “Publisher Lite” in the list of add-ons instead of just “Publisher”
[Improved] When installing Publisher the publisher_titles and publisher_data tables now use the same engine (MyISAM or InnoDB) as the native channel_titles and channel_data tables. If there was a mismatch it could cause install errors on very large EE sites.
[Added] Database cleanup script now runs during the 2.0 upgrade routine so orphaned database tables left from EE2 are removed from Publisher's table.
[Added] The Publisher Utilities section now contains a Compatibility Check page to verify other supported add-ons are compatible.
[Fixed] Significantly improved the speed of migrating entries after installing Publisher on sites with a lot of custom fields.
[Fixed] Grid fields not defined as searchable won’t try to concatenate and save its row values to Publisher tables so they’re searchable.
[Fixed] Searchable Bloqs atoms should now save correctly.
[Fixed] Structure’s template, page url, and parent entry fields were not properly assigned their values when viewing or saving a translation/draft. Requires latest version of Structure.
[Fixed] Profile trigger word urls should not thrown an error if Publisher is trying to add a language prefix to the url (spoiler alert, it won’t add a prefix to profile urls)
[Fixed] Editing languages to re-assign a new default language, or changing language codes of an existing language would create a new language and mess up language data
[Fixed] When the Persistent Entries setting is turned off the entries tag could sometimes throw an error.
Version 2.6.2
August 1, 2017
[Fixed] Fixed MySQL 5.7 compatibility issue/error when querying categories.
[Fixed] Bloqs integration: If a block is deleted don’t error on save.
[Fixed] The Hide In Nav option in Structure now works correctly (need Structure 4.1.17 or later)
[Fixed] publisher.cp.js file was not loaded on every page unless the custom Publisher menu was added to a member group.
[Fixed] Pending entry approvals are properly deleted when the draft is denied by a publisher.
[Fixed] Fixed how Relationships within Bloqs are saved.
[Fixed] Searchable Bloqs atoms should now save correctly.
Version 2.6.1
July 18, 2017
[Added] Phrases now have an option of being shared across MSM sites. The default setting is “no”, meaning each phrase group and phrase is specific to the MSM site it was created in.
[Added] When clearing EE’s cache Publisher now truncates the publisher_draft_previews table to clear cached page previews.
[Improved] Entry save time should be faster on large sites using Structure
[Improved] Saving an entry when using Pages or Structure with hundreds or thousands of pages should be faster.
[Fixed] The front-end site_url value made an apperance in some CP links. Said links now properly use cp_url config setting.
[Fixed] Update the new install migration script so it won’t migrate existing entries again if the migration was stopped and re-started mid way through.
[Fixed] MySQL 5.7 compatibility issue. Normalize the publisher_relationships table to not allow nullable values.
[Fixed] Properly instantiate the EE legacy channel_entries api.
[Fixed] The Save & Preview button now maintains the correct text after EE does an ajax validation of the entry.
[Fixed] When saving an entry as draft the File fields inside of Grid shouldn’t throw errors anymore.
[Fixed] MSM sites were not respecting the site assignments of each language.
[Fixed] The default site_id may not be assigned to the default language on initial install in some cases.
[Fixed] The Channel ignore setting now works properly. Derp.
[Fixed] Prevent Ignored channels from incorrectly querying assigned entry categories.
[Removed] The Country Flags option has been removed. It was never implemented, nor intended to exist, in Publisher 2.
Version 2.6.0
July 5, 2017
[Added] When installing Publisher on large existing sites the installation process is split into two steps. This solves a long standing problem of installation timeouts and errors on very large sites. Entries are migrated in batches of 50 to work around server timeout and memory issues.
[Fixed] entry Save button now displays text Save & Preview properly.
[Fixed] When using the titletrail or breadcrumbs tag in Structure, Publisher will not throw an error.
[Fixed] When saving a Grid containins an Assets field assets were not saved to the correct Grid row in the draft version of the entry.
Version 2.5.2
June 28, 2017
[Fixed] Translated Structure URL Titles are working again.
[Fixed] Bloqs hooks are properly added for new Publisher installs.
[Fixed] Toolbar respects the Channel Approval settings and does not let editors save entries as Published.
[Fixed] Prevent possible SQL query when updating Publisher when it tries to create an index on the phrases table.
[Changed] Changed publisher_toolbar_languages hook to expect a Language Collection to be returned
Version 2.5.1
June 23, 2017
[Fixed] Simple Search form is fixed. Requires the “session_crypt_key” config variable be set.
[Fixed] Saving duplicate Bloqs with Relationship fields should now save the relationships correctly.
[Fixed] Fixed a regression with saving Relationships inside of Grid
[Fixed] Diffs will no longer display twice for each field in the CP.
[Fixed] Removing blocks from the settings page now saves correctly
[Fixed] When on the home page of a non-default language, and switching to the home page when default language prefix is disabled, it would not correctly set the site language to the default language.
[Fixed] {translated_url} may not be correct when on the home page of a site.
[Fixed] Translating URLs with query string parameters should work better.
[Fixed] Categories display correctly when fallback option is set to yes.
[Fixed] When saving an entry containing Bloqs, but no blocks are assigned, Publisher will no longer throw an error.
[Fixed] MySQL 5.7 error when querying translation statuses of entries
Version 2.5.0
April 17, 2017
[Added] Publisher 2 now supports Bloqs.
[Added] If Publisher needs to be upgraded a banner message now appears within the CP.
[Added] New setting “Enable Version Fetching” to optionally disable Publisher’s phone home option to see if a new version is available.
[Added] Cleanup script to remove excess columns from exp_publisher_data after uninstalling Playa and/or Matrix. See the Utilities section in the Publisher sidebar menu.
[Added] publisher:current_locale is now available as a global variable.
[Added] publisher_phrase_data table now has a unique index to prevent duplicate rows.
[Added] A database cleanup script in the Utilities navigation.
[Changed] Phrases are no longer site specific. All phrases are available to all sites if using MSM.
[Improved] Added caching to Publisher category queries to reduce repeated queries per page load.
[Fixed] Title and URL Title fields sometimes populated with incorrect data.
[Fixed] Get default phrase translation when viewing drafts
[Fixed] Phrases with no draft value now correctly show the default language as a fallback value.
[Fixed] Phrase translation/status fallbacks were not displaying correctly.
[Fixed] Saving a phrase would not save default draft values.
[Fixed] Language packs now load correctly from the user/languages folder.
[Fixed] Update routines were not always run correctly.
[Fixed] Uninstalling Publisher now deletes its cookies, which prevents re-installs from failing.
[Fixed] Changing a phrase name created duplicate translation records.
[Fixed] publisher:translate_category tag.
[Fixed] unparsed %s replacements in publisher:translate_phrase tag do not output to the page.
Version 2.4.1
April 10, 2017
[Added] Publisher 1.7.5 is now included in the download zip file to be used in the upgrade from EE 2 to EE 3 process.
[Added] Ensure Publisher is properly upgraded before fully booting
[Fixed] Editors who don’t have Publisher admin access can still see approvals and manage Phrases and Categories.
[Fixed] Sites not removing index.php from URLs should now load draft previews properly.
[Fixed] Entry approvals are now removed when an entry is deleted.
[Fixed] Draft previews now have the correct URL if MSM is installed
[Fixed] Ensure the site_url variable always ends with a trailing slash, even if its not in the site config.
[Fixed] Notification emails were not parsing the {preview_url} tag
[Fixed] Toolbar options were incorrect when viewing a draft waiting approval
[Fixed] Ensure that a fieldtype is installed before Publisher tries to enact upon it.
Version 2.4.0
March 20, 2017
[Added] Entry edit list page now has visual draft and translation status notifications.
[Added] Phrases and Categories now have visual translation status notifications in the group list.
[Added] afterDeleteDraft and afterDeleteTranslation events to clean up Assets, Relationships, and Grid rows.
[Changed] When a Language is deleted, all Relationship, Grid, Assets, Entry translations related to that language will be deleted.
[Fixed] Saving an entry as Closed would not stick, and it would default to Open.
[Fixed] Languages CP page now shows all languages, even if they are disabled (regression)
[Fixed] Languages were unable to be deleted.
Version 2.3.1
March 13, 2017
[Added] When creating a new draft Publisher redirects to the draft if no open version is found
[Added] When Grid and Relationship Persistence is enabled the fields now have limited functionality when editing non-default languages. http://docs.boldminded.com/publisher/persistence
[Improved] Loading of the Diff library is much simpler
[Fixed] Switching languages with {switch_language_url} and Structure or Pages based URLs were not working correctly
[Fixed] Phrases and Categories now display alphabetically
[Fixed] Phrases and categories are not limited to 25 per page
[Fixed] Removed duplicate queries occurring when fetching languages
[Fixed] Assets fields within Grid were not saving drafts correctly
[Fixed] When changing a custom fields type (from text to integer for example) Publisher’s table is now updated properly
[Fixed] After un-installing and re-installing Publisher cookies were not read properly, thus throwing an error when trying to find the language
[Fixed] Paginated entry results when Persistent Entries is turned off will no longer throw an error
[Fixed] exp:search:simple_form searches are working again
[Fixed] Reduce queries when fetching phrase and category translations. Requires Publisher’s cache to be turned on.
[Fixed] Deleted fields will not throw an error when attempting to view a diff
[Fixed] no_result_page parameter in the channel:search tag now works correctly
Version 2.3.0
February 17, 2017
[Added] Diff Previews now work in the CP and on the front-end of the site.
[Fixed] Improved support of MySQL Strict Mode
[Fixed] category_heading tag was not working correctly
Version 2.2.1
January 30, 2017
[Added] Entry Approvals and Email Notifications are back.
[Added] Channel:Form support is back.
[Added] If Draft Previews are enabled the “Save” button is changed to “Save & Preview”
[Fixed] Page template and uri was not saving in the Pages module tab.
[Fixed] RoleManager now properly sets the role for members with publisher permissions.
[Fixed] Ordering query result threw an error.
[Fixed] Added caching to an entry query to prevent excess database calls.
[Fixed] Draft Previews for new entries using Pages or Structure now work correctly.
Version 2.1.0
January 11, 2017
[NOTICE] Publisher 2 now requires EE 3.5 or greater
[Changed] Removed sessions_end hook and replaced it with the new core_boot hook
[Added] Draft previews are now available in Publisher 2
[Added] Delete translation option from entry publish page
[Added] Delete draft option from entry publish page
[Added] Assets support
[Fixed] PHP7 compatibility
[Fixed] Remove entry_submission_redirect hook from clean installs. Its no longer used by Publisher
[Fixed] Clean up various parts of the codebase and unused 3rd party libraries not used in Publisher 2
[Fixed] {redirect} tags did not translate properly, thus redirects could fail
[Fixed] Changing a phrase name does not create a copy of the original phrase
[Fixed] Deleting phrases works again
[Fixed] Avoid error when saving template translations when MySQL strict mode is on.
Version 2.0.0
December 4, 2016
Initial release of Publisher 2 beta for ExpressionEngine 3